The next time MOGA stands in support of a bill to increase the number of licenses, they need to be asked how many nonresidents is enough. Just like sportsmen are every time they oppose a bill that would decrease or eliminate property going into public ownership.
Are the deer combos available for sale "leftovers" from the pool of 6,600 or are they from split big game combos where the person applied for an elk combo, making the deer portion of the big game combo available for sale? With all the splitting options available on the big game combos now, it's...
Let me clarify. I'm not asking what people currently do in the name of conservation. There's much contention regarding access to public wildlife and I ofttimes see the words collaboration and incentivize used in conversations regarding increasing access to said wildlife. While it sounds good to...
From their website: "DO NOT send any other map data to the SD card while it is in the unit - you may take the card out and use Mapsource to send any other data. You may send and receive data for waypoints, tracks, and routes to and from your GPS unit's internal memory"
Here's the current statute. I haven't read through HB 588 yet. Is it vastly different than what's already in law? At first glance it appears the bill creates two sections, one for aircraft and one for boats whereas the current statute covers them in one section. Some of the concerns brought up...
My senator already voted yes and I'm sure my representative will too. If the Governor doesn't veto this when it passes, I'm considering letting my senator and representative know they are not welcome on my property. When they come around in a year and a half campaigning for re-election, I'll...
It's OK, there's nothing wrong with being discreet. (I was going to put a whistling smiley here but thought it may be construed as something it wasn't)
Some of you are also members on 24hourcampfire and probably saw this. For those who haven't, Buzz addresses every one of toolelk's membership cards.
70-16-101. Rights of owner in fee -- above and below surface. The owner of land in fee has the right to the surface and to everything permanently situated beneath or above it.