WEB, good luck. MOGA doesn't respond well to public requests if at all.
Just returned from Helena and its getting ugly. Sportsmen are getting stomped on, mostly by the R's. They have been strongly infiltrated by MOGA and sister group SFW.
HB 511 has not gone down. It still has to go thru...
Good for you Randy. And good for RMEF. I and many Montanans had become disillusioned with RMEF the last few years. This is a sign they are getting back to their roots. I applaud them!
Mac Minard spends a lot of time schmoozing legislators. He tells montana conservation groups we need to...
A further message to be relayed is that the commission is the correct forum to bring together sportsmen, landowners and outfitters to discuss solutions. For one party to run to the legislature is an end around process and deprives other parties due process. The legislature, despite claims to...
Sen. Jim Petersen carried the bill and is on Senate FWP Committee. Contact him. Proponents lead him to beleive they haven't had a voice which is dead wrong. I think it important that he realize that this is a big issue. It has had numerous working group solutions, and lots of participants...
Shoots-Straight, that is one scary picture.
Folks, stand up and be counted on corner-crossing. We need to fight for the right to debate this in the light of day.
In case its not clear, I support Montana's law as is. The parent or mentors job is huge and should occur before legal hunting. Hunters safety is a program I went thru (nearly 50 years ago). I support the position of those instructors that our present law is the best way to go.
Spook, maybe I can add a little landowner experience. I allow kids accompanied by adults to hunt gophers here on the ranch at any time. It is a place where parents can mentor. They may hunt any non-game to gain experience. They should be accompanying parents on hunts to learn ALL the ropes...
Alright all of you complacent sportsmen. There are a few of us busting our asses on your behalf at the legislature. MSA, MWF, PLWA, and many others. Let me tell you that we are once again under attack. It is overwhelming. John Brenden, Debby Barrett, and Rick Ripley are all obviously...
Once again, we watch MOGA try to line its pockets at our expense. They are not afraid to try to end around and not afraid of putting out false and misleading info. They participate in groups for solutions but run to the legislature every time to micromanage our public resources to their...
This one is really important to stand up and be counted. Not only sign the petition but visit with your legislators and contact members of the House Judiciary Committee, Krayton Kerns, Chairman.
This bill is HUGE!
Gents, I believe this bill has a chance at some real traction. Who knows where MOGA will be. They mostly work in opposition to anything good for residents. Like legislation blowing the cap off NR licenses. Keep a closer eye on them.
Keep spreading the word. Actually seeing this...
Sorry to drift in and out, but must address some comments.
Eric, even though Mac may have said individuals were putting their own views on the MOGA symposium, the fact remains that he set it all up. He chose who made what presentations. It is a disgusting display of MOGA's priorities. A...
Am I on the wrong page. I keep looking for someone to come uncorked about the MOGA mule deer symposium. Reports from regular hunters say it was sickening.
Where are folks commenting on MOGA's attempt to further "ranching for wildlife"? Sales based on B&C scores?
MOGA is one sick outfit. They...
Unfortunately, sportsmen have been woefully uninformed on our own issues. The 62nd legislature brought a much higher level of shock and awareness. Many of us are active, fully aware, and informed, but not near enough. We need your help. Please vote sportsmen. We are at a point in time and...
I do disagree with Big Fin that Moga did a good job in setting up this meeting. Getting what you want at any cost is what MOGA is paying for in image right now. We have watched them try to bowl over resident sportsmen for some time. We have listened to false and misleading testimony and...
Ingomar is correct. The folks on the ground in FWP are really good folks overall. They are doing their best under very trying circumstances. They not only are good to work with but their professionalism is very high. This commission is very good too. They really get out amongst sportsmen...
I am glad to see a mention of the connection between SFW and MOGA. It seems very obvious to us and has for some time.
NO, we aren't going to tweak the Model to suit you folks. It is a fine model and solutions to problems do not mean we won't defend it! Decide if it is worth pitting...
As a life long sportsmen in Montana, I too would like to know who is looking out for the average Montana Resident Sportsmen if it isn't MSA and MWF. I spent a lot of time at the legislature fighting for our rights. MSA and MWF folks were the only ones I saw consistently.