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  1. F

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    This is spot on. A big detail that people conveniently forget
  2. F

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    Wow, I think that is quite a stretch. Wouldn't the MT BHA chapter be there to protect the opportunity for MT residents? I'm actually pretty neutral on BHA and would never take one person's opinion as a representation of an organization
  3. F

    Montana Mule Deer Mismanagement

    Those of us that actually live here don't think it's misguided or shortsided. FWP, and every other game department, has a responsibility to manage the wildlife and opportunity for the residents of the state. In my opinion, a NR should be content with the opportunity that any other state gives...
  4. F

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    And here I thought it was just an artistic picture from one of your animals lol. I never looked that close
  5. F

    6.5 creedmoor barrel length

    Nope. Really depends what you want to do with it but 18 is not too short
  6. F

    Anyone else been kicked off rocks lied?

    I agree there can be some pretty big egos and some less than accurate info at times but there’s also a lot of good information as well as some pretty talented people. There are a handful of stock making threads that are awesome. And I’m not talking some of the ‘build’ content you see here…
  7. F

    Suppressor questions

    Anyone can use it while in your (or whoever owns the suppressor) presence. They cannot be added to the trust until they meet all the requirements as @VikingsGuy stated
  8. F

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    My barrel showed up last week so hopefully I can provide you guys with some load date in a few months...
  9. F

    15x Binos vs Spotting scope

    I'm guessing you have never used 12-15x binos to find deer in AZ? @Trekker308 skip over the BX-5's and check out some 15x meoptas. I've seem them as low as $1k used and they are a lot of glass for the money. I have the 12x50s and have been very happy with them.
  10. F

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?
  11. F

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?

    ‘Experienced experts fluent in science and policy have been replaced by inexperienced young staffers who, without mentors, can be easily controlled and silenced’ I think this sentence from the article hits the nail on the head. New employees and those fearful for their jobs are easily...
  12. F

    FWP Fisheries Director Ousted?

    I just came here to post this. I hope a lot more comes out on how the department has been treating employees
  13. F

    Guidance on choosing a new barrel or new rifle

    I would skip the carbon and go straight steel. A lot of good barrels out there now. Could go the prefit route or buy a blank and have it threaded/chambered. Either way you should come in under $700
  14. F

    Elk Caliber and Bullet Choice - 2024

    Although I've never used it personally, the 147 has a reputation of being a great killing bullet.
  15. F

    Rimfire Rifle Recommendations (update, found one)

    Haha not a Rokslide reference. Seems equally as hard for some people to recognize the positive aspects of them
  16. F

    Rimfire Rifle Recommendations (update, found one)

    Don’t get your feelers hurt. It’s a common joke in the rifle space. Those that shoot suppressed are civilized, those that don’t are uncivilized
  17. F

    Rimfire Rifle Recommendations (update, found one)

    It’s a good thing nobody asked you to. We all know you’re uncivilized and plan to stay that way. And they’re way cheaper than centerfire suppressors fyi
  18. F

    Rimfire Rifle Recommendations (update, found one)

    That’s what I figured. Rimfire is a totally different animal. With subs a 22 lr is ‘movie quiet’.
  19. F

    Rimfire Rifle Recommendations (update, found one)

    I’m assuming you’ve never shot one on a rimfire?
  20. F

    Montana S/G/M results 2024

    Nothing for me but have a buddy that drew goat and moose
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