My oldest sons first time in Wyoming antelope hunting, we saw a wounded buck and I told him to shoot it as it ran away all he had was the Texas heart shot, he didn’t take it. I told him it would have dropped it and it was wounded. Next day we double on a group of healthy does and mine dropped...
Well if you have scar tissue from foootball or anything like that it’s more difficult, I felt like the dr had his whole fng finger in my sack, also had to have more numbing I could feel it from balls to diaphragm. Afterward frozen peas are your best friend. Felt good the next day, then about a...
My dream would be a bighorn sheep, doesn’t matter where, or subspecies, just a bighorn. Stone and dall are nice but there’s something about a bighorn that trips my trigger.
Hoping we draw, it seems like every time we apply for Wyoming elk there is some kind of kick in the balls. If we do my oldest and I will also archery hunt.