No I'm just getting tired of listening to you ramble on trying to convince yourself of you're own bullshit. I just figured that anyone who's only advise is to rebarrel a rifle and who can only attack other people while assuming that the other people are below them in mental status is pretty much...
Well, you are right about that part... if the case capacity, then your powder is too slow burning.. I also didn't take note that you were using the X bullets which are extremely long and take up a lot of case capacity which could possibly explain why you were able to completely fill the case...
The problem was a bad lot of powder. If you had read the original post, I build my brass from .375 RUM cases. I am not new to loading or techniques. I set the dies to neck the cases down for a nice tight (perfect headspace) fit. The cases were never the issue. The rifle will shoot groups under...
Please vote this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a
few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun
folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this
month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the
Supreme Court...
Well, I have been trying to get the loads developed for my 7mm STW. This particular rifle is the pickiest rifle I have ever tried to load for.
I was trying to find a load for 150 gr Nosler Partitons. I used Nosler Ballistic tips to work up loads. Then ran out and bought some Sierra boat tails...
Another thing about the Steiners is that there are different binoculars sold in the US and the rest of the world. I bought my wife a pair of Steiners in Germany last year and that particular model has never been sold in the US. They're an entirely different glass. These were 10X26 compacts and...
Strangely enough, I've been using the same Steiners for over ten years. Hunted a lot with them and took them on hunts in four countires on three continents. I've toted them from Florida to Oregon and Texas to Quebec a lot of ground in between. I used them the last couple of years I was an...
A man walks into a bar with a paper bag. He sits down and places the bag on the counter.
The barman walks up and asks what's in the bag.
The man reaches into the bag and pulls out a little man, about one foot high and sets
him on the counter.
He reaches back into the bag and pulls out a...
You sir are out of line with that sort of distasteful and disrespectful comment. You should be ashamed. I know I'm ashamed that a person that proclaims himself to be a hunter and shooter would say anything that horrible. Heston deserved better than to be trashed like that from someone like you...
Today is a sad day for Americans. Not just American gun ownders, but for everyone in this country. I can't speak for anyone else, but Charlton Heston was one of my few true heros. A man that was larger than life and a man that knew what living was and how to do it. He made a difference. Few...
I'm sorry, I don't agree with ignoring these people. We have all stood back and allowed them to think that their way of thinking is OK. They think they are right because we stand back and mostly say and do nothing. I don't make excuses for these people any more. I'm not polite to them and I make...
You guys are way too easy on those types of scumbags...
The problem is that "we" allow this sort of behavior....
Quit making excuses for these types of people and allowing them to think that their actions are acceptable. Why do "we" just roll over, play dead, and allow these types of people to...
Well, talked to my supervisor last night and it looks l ike I'll be returning to the same exact job I've had for the past two years at Scania. It's better than the job I had the first year I was over there..... I spent the first year driving in convoys and getting blown up and shot at on a...
The thing about mouth diaphram calls is that no two sound the same. You can get several that are identical and each one will have a little different pitch to it. The latex might be stretched a little tighter or just the way each one fits into the roof of your mouth although most of us "fit" the...
You lucky b...... ha haaa
26 years of applying and I've never drawn a tag. I'll check in here from time to time and let you know but I doubt I will be here before March of next year except for a short R&R or maybe two.