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  1. R

    Wyoming NR Elk Draw Results.....

    Wow....Hit the unit 78-1 tag with one point and on the "discount" draw. Never hunted a late hunt before...looking forward to the challenge. Cheershump hump Roadtrip
  2. R

    Wyoming: what did you choose?

    I feel the same pain on the tag many predicted regular working guys will not be able to afford to come at all. Lots of they guys I know that used to go every year don't anymore. Oak...I went to Idaho for 3 years and new mexico for 2 since that post and I stand behind it. If I...
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    Wyoming: what did you choose?

    Horn....I might be coming back to Colorado this fall. I have a lady at church wanting me to take her grandson on a hunt for his graduation present. He doesn't do the smokepole thing so I would be putting in for 1st rifle and doing some sort of roadless / wilderness back country pack in or drop...
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    Moon Valley outfitters

    Found one review of them from 2004 Fellow said good things and that he would use them again. Cheers, Roadtrip
  5. R

    Wyoming: what did you choose?

    I am just Jonesing to go Elk hunting this fall. For the first time in 6 years I did not draw a tag in 06 so I sat on the sidelines. Put in for Wyoming and Utah already. Wyoming...78,113 & 24. Anyone Else??? Cheers, Roadtrip
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    Thoughts on Wolves?

    My thought on wolves..... A 130 grain Barnes MRX would be perfect -Cheers Roadtrip
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    Rocky Mt. Elk Foundation, yea or nay?

    I recall the words of Roosevelt when he said "the hunter who is not a conservationist is a fool". In that light, I respect what the RMEF does to preserve habitat and fight suburbia's encroachment with ranchettes into the winter range. However, I see the organization following the trail of...
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    Wyoming Results are out !!!!!

    sooooo not cool. damn. Roadtrip
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    Application Question

    Can anyone help me understand the application process in Montana? I called this lady and she told me that I had to first apply for a license. If I drew a license, then I have to apply again for the premium tag I'm after. If that fails, I have to hunt a general tag. Is there any way to apply...
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    Snowmobilers catch wolves in action

    Sure it wasn't Dick Cheney with his deadly quail gun? Cheers Roadtrip
  11. R

    Utah Elk!

    I second The Welcome. This will be the 5th year for me putting in for an LE utah tag, should only take me about 6 more years to draw. I'm going in for Muzzle and of course the unit is top secret. If I told ya, I'd have to ........ Seriously...any Utah LE unit is a dream hunt.....pick any one...
  12. R

    New Elk Tag

    I'm the Only Flatlander that lives at the beach in NC sporting a tag like like this one. How looks good on my Tundra. Just sent in my NM I'm in for WY, NM, and UT. hmm....waiting on my buddy from Kalespell Montanna to point me in the right direction and I will be...
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    Thank you for the offer but I would be a liar if I said I was skilled enough with a bow to hunt Elk. This past year both my hunts were muzzle and I was able to get iwithin 40 yards in CO to score without a scope. I can see how the bow hunters get into the close action. Cheers Roadtrip
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    Big mossbacked bad breathed stinkin and bad mannered Elk would be my choice. Course that could describe some of the Women I met last time I was in Bozeman. ;) -Roadtrip
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    It Is time I'm not too proud to beg. Anyone want to help me on my Wyoming App? Someone send me a pm if they know anything about 62 & 63. I'm looking for LE units that don't have General tags but aren't all wilderness. Otherwise I'm stuck with a guide. Also....Anyone want to help a brother...
  16. R

    Game on

    I might be coming back to Colorado, but a lot depends on the draws. I am going to put in for Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, Montanna. Some will be LE and the NM will be a HQ tag. best answer is I have no idea! Cheers Roadtrip
  17. R

    Game on

    Getting ready to put mine in as well. Last year didn't hit the tag, and I was LE also. Expect the same this year. Someone has to hit the tag though, might as well be me. Cheers Roadtrip
  18. R

    Looking for moose hunting partner

    My buddy and I are going to put in for that partner tag in Maine. He explained the set up to me and it seems like a great deal. 2 guns...both of you hunt on one tag. Obviously one is enough meat for both. The applications come out in January. Both us will apply and if one draws, the other...
  19. R

    Idaho Question

    Much obliged T-bone. I always like putting in for that miracle draw whenever I can. I figure one of these days I'll hit. Kinda like my utah tag. Cheers Roadtrip
  20. R

    Poaching - turning someone in.

    If the incident was intentional I would do my best to tell my friend to turn himself in. That is a decision a man has to make.....on his own. I'm not a rat, and I teach my kids not be that way either. His mistake is between him, his conscience and God. But I doubt I'd pack out an illegal bull...

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