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  1. D

    Business Financing

    Heres another good tidbit, NEVER I repeat NEVER be honest with the bank on how much cash you have avail, they will try to take then as your downpayment and then some. it pissed me the f off, I was honest about what I had, they wanted it ALL then added doc fees. I got the loan no problem but...
  2. D

    Server move. over the next day

    The server is going to be moving to the official new hunttalk site over the next day and some., during that time some forums may not appear as they are being rebuilt. While as you type it in maye be propogating you can do direct to the new site by typing in...
  3. D

    Plant nerds?

    Oak, funny thing happened this morning, I was just turning off the tv and headng to work, My little daughter was watching survior man waiting for him to drink his own pee again. Anyway she told me to keep it on for a min. he was in the badlands she said. And I shit you not that plant you posted...
  4. D

    Business Financing

    if your white the typical time its about 6-8 months, if your black or mexican it is shorter by 2-3 months. White women are not a minority anymore. Also be very careful with SBA loans cause from what I read, you screw up for what ever reason you done for life unlike a bank loan we looked into it...
  5. D

    09 az javi

    Airmark nice job on the pig for a framer ;)
  6. D

    The TV Show

    so when is the board switching? cause I am dieing to see the board go live.
  7. D

    Big Shooter and schmalts here you go

    you clowns can have fun over here ;)
  8. D

    Selling taxidermy mounts

    $300,000 The boys on crack.
  9. D

    Couple little guys

    very cool pics
  10. D

    Lake Mead Partner needed

    gunner go over to post it on there, there are quite a few guys that can give you some info. mead sucks however unless you go below the dam, havasu is pretty good and not that far away, powell is 100 times better but 6 hours away. mead has boat rentals and one of those guys will...
  11. D

    Admin WTF?

    This should be all fixed and all the pms the spammers sent deleted, it should happen again,. but let me know if it does. more than likely a spam pm was in you pm box and I deleted the user and not the pms they sent. I can't delete pms or see a persons pm box, I can only delete in mass quanities...
  12. D


    Randy Nice meeting you yesterday, thanks for stopping by, next time if you have more time we will have to goto dinner I'll buy ;) Delw
  13. D

    Admin WTF?

    just a spammer that slipped by. he is spamming on another board now ;)
  14. D


    Mark will fit right in here. About time you signed up.
  15. D

    The TV Show

    WOW man thats some awsum video for a trailer
  16. D

    Hope I can get one

    Great story.
  17. D

    Hope I can get one

    Great story.
  18. D

    AR 15 Bushmaster

    Damn those things are going up. You have any idea what a brand spanking new never fired bushmaster goes for? its the one with the 10" barrel and 6.5 brake a2 I think they are preban I have 2 still in the box never fired Just curious as I wont sell mine but I havent looked at prices in a long...
  19. D

    Hope I can get one

    Sounds like a good time Randy when you going to finish and get some pics online. Please don't post the photos of your wife doing tick checks on you
  20. D

    Hope I can get one

    Sounds like a good time Randy when you going to finish and get some pics online. Please don't post the photos of your wife doing tick checks on you

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