This is really funny too..... "Let the Kids Talk!
A place for the youngsters to communicate. (Must have parental permission and is heavily monitored!)"
Why the heck do you need parental permission to view a kids area? I highly doubt they are gonna be posting anything dirty in there! :D
I have the Garmin Etrex also and love it. Its small enough to toss in a pocket and it is only about the size of a cell phone. Like you said, its super easy to use too.
Just curious as to where you are in Cali, Marv. We have had a number of small (1,000-4,000 acres) fires around here. Matter of fact they stopped one right on the other side of the 1 lane road my mom lives on. By the way, these were all around Angels Camp.
I thought of you about a week ago Russ. We took a drive over to Missoula and there was a small fire on the pass between Salmon and Sula, MT. Thought maybe you were one of the dudes sitting there wondering what to do about the fire. :D
Damn sorry to hear about it bud. I hope you and Michele get something worked out soon because from what I have gathered from you two on the board you seem like two really great people. Hang in there and something will come your way.
average is 15% according to this big long test i did. thats the only part that needs working on...the top 4 are starting to show through, just gotta work on the bottom half. ill post a pic when it looks good though