Kenetrek Boots

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  1. T

    I kicked Moosie's Azz

    Hey Ovis....Type in TK. I whipped your ass!
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    April Fools Jokes

    A friend of mine who is 17 had her boyfriend believing that she found out on monday that she was pregnant but to nervous to tell him until today.
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    New Baby Pics.....

    Congrats Stan!! Now quit trying to show off 'the guns' ;)
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    Been doodling

    Very awesome Big Sky!! We had those scratch boards in my art class as well and mine didn't turn out anywhere near that good. I agree with what you say about them giving an awesome reflection in real life. A girl in my class did a snarling dog and it looked very awesome. Have you ever used...
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    Firefighter's Death

    I'm surprised to see this on the internet. Eva lived about 15 mins from my house and I had met her twice. She was really good friends with a friend of mine and she was a super nice and funny lady from the little bit I knew her. Still sad to hear about her passing even though it was a while...
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    Help on a school report?

    The reason we have to do the report because there is like a $10k or $15k grant that our school recieves if we do it. Whitedeer, thanks for the help but I had already found that page. :)
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    Help on a school report?

    I knew someone was gonna be a smart ass and post those ones!!
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    Help on a school report?

    Hey everyone...I need to do a 5 page report on a vehicle with an alternative fuel source for my auto shop class and I was wondering if maybe you folks could help me out a little bit. We have to write 2 paragraph summaries on the 10 major vehicle systems and then write why it is good for the...
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    Idaho residency requirements?

    In California your hunting license is good from July 1st to June 30th. So I still have a few months to go until this license expires. However say we move and get all situated in Idaho by July 4th, according to some of you I could go and get a resident tag and license because we have a house...
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    Idaho residency requirements?

    I agree with ya, Oscar. I thought it was to good to be true. Just makes logical sense to have to wait 6 months. Otherwise you could bounce from Idaho to Montana to Wyoming to Colorado and hunt all of them at a resident price. Wouldn't that be nice? ;)
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    Idaho residency requirements?

    Well if Moosie would have read the very first line of my post.... ;) :D
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    Why Would a Guy do this?

    OUCH!!! :eek: |oo
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    Happy B-day TO APRIL W

    Happy Birthday, April!! :)
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    Idaho residency requirements?

    Thanks Elkgunner but I'm moving in June of 05 ;)
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    Idaho residency requirements?

    Hey all I need some help. I was looking on the IDFG site and found this... We are planning on moving in June so does that mean that if we move we will be able to legally buy resident tags since we will be living there permanently from June on?
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    New song "Snow Capped Romance"

    Mini...I want a CD! Where can I get one? :D
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    Sportsman show in Sacramento

    I'll see if I can't make the trip to Sac. Where is it being held?
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    2005 came in with a bang

    Good lookin birds! Congrats on the hunt fellas!
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    Best Christmas Ever

    That is great HC. Glad to see he is doing better!
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    Happy Birthday Mojave

    Happy Birthday Mojave!! :)

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