Thanks for posting the loads AA, I don't blame Pecos for liking the 95gr Vmax's. I could tell ya feats of accuracy with that load that would I even surprised myself with, and no one else would believe except the eye witness to one of them.
In my opinion there isn't a whale of a lot of...
Over the course of the last month and a half I've been working on some varmint, target, and "deer" sized loads for my 6.5-06. Some are quick, some are not, but they are all accurate as all get out in my rifle. My barrel is a 26" #4 contour Lilja with a 1-10 twist.
Here are some of the best...
magnumkid, 2 buddies of mine and I used them on Caribou up in Quebec last Sept. I used 150gr out of a 30-06, and one of my partners used his in a 280 with the 139gr. We took 6 bulls with 6 shots total. Ranges were anywhere from maybe 50yds to around 180yds. All of em dropped in short order. I...
When I read the "Moosie Scores....." line I thought that maybe this belonged down in the "Adult" section. The only reason that I opened it up is 'cause me and MLM have a $10 bet on which side of the fence Moosie is on. :D :D :D
SERIOUSLY NOW... Congratulation Moosie on the bear. Get the Pics...
When I read the "Moosie Scores....." line I thought that maybe this belonged down in the "Adult" section. The only reason that I opened it up is 'cause me and MLM have a $10 bet on which side of the fence Moosie is on. :D :D :D
SERIOUSLY NOW... Congratulation Moosie on the bear. Get the Pics...
Buzz, Nawww, I'm not an amazing guy, I'm not the best shot in the world, and I DON'T profess to have all the answers.
I will give you 2 of my recipes that you asked for.
#1) On never having to use more than one shot in 30 years of deer hunting...that one is easily explained and very...
Well, I guess the best words I've read on this thread are "shot placement".
I don't think that Buzz's philosophy on using 200gr class bullets on deer is BS, it is just that it works for him and so be it.
For the last 5 years I've hunted a mountain over from a fellow from Pittsburg. He uses...
Correct-a-moon-do there 1 pointer. They are made by Hornady as you say, and have a plastic tip, they are called SST. MLM, myself, and another partner of ours took them 'bou hunting with us last Sept. All 6 bulls were 1 shot kills, 5 were drop on the spot. Ranges from 30 to about 190 yds, some...
Rick, I've tried the 40gr NBT's in the 223, and they shot pretty darn good. I tried a few of them in the 220 Swift too, never had any trouble with them coming apart, but what they hit sure did. WOW. If you can get them to shoot well in your CZ, your squirrel hunting will be taken to new...
HI Jude, not to interupt here or anything, but MLM and I had one of those things here for a couple of days last summer. Hind sight being 20/20, sure wish we had it back. Sold it on a Monday, and the following Saturday the guy who bought it in Florida won a bench match with it, he shot a .28 or...
Ndak, we checked the bad lot thing out too, and we called Nosler. We tried at least 4 maybe 5 different lots of bullets, different powders, different seating depths, different primers, different rifles, same results. Needless to say we have some "extra" 30cal 150's on hand. The 165's shoot just...
Ndak, I could match the groups that you got at 100yds (.7-.9), but at 200yds we were looking at some 4"+ groups and at 300yds 8"++. BUT this was with the 150gr 30cal. ONLY.
The 7mm 140gr vs the 139gr SST was closer to what you got.
We thought it was the twist in my rifle at first (1-10), but...
Ndak, thanks for posting that. You got better down range accuracy out of the NBT's than we did compared to the SST's. Thanks again for posting that info. WD
Rick, I'm using 53gr of 4064. It seems to have more room to go up, but it is fast and accurate enough right there for me.
Tbone.. the Hornady SST IS an interlock with the boat tail and plastic tip added to it. I agree whole heartedly with Ndak's observations on the SST's as far as accuracy...
Rick, Glad you got along well with them. My Springfield 03-A3 and my custom Mauser both like the 150gr NBT in the 30-06. Even of more coincidence is your selection of powder, its weight and the speed you got. Now if you tell me that you used Rem 9 1/2 primers too, this is going to be WAY too...
1pointer and others.... did ya'll catch what MLM said.... "Several" rifle projects... I'm not doggin' ya MLM, I'm bragging on ya. You are the MASTER.
1pointer, we're headed to someplace in NE Wyoming. A buddy of ours that is taking us out there, as honorable guests, has shot at a privately...
Yep, Ya got good info on this. The only things I'd add are an additional vote for the case prep kit, and the calipers. Right after that would be a Powder trickler.
One thing that won't cost ya much other than some time and you'll one day be glad you have it.... is a diary or reloading log. I...
missed, without looking, I'm going to tell ya to go to www.ACCURATERELOADING.COM then select "Reloading Pages", if there isn't a bunch of data there somewhere on the 22-250AI, I'll buy ya a beer.
My ole buddy MLM had one of these for a few days last spring. We should have never let it go...
Jason, You should have said that those first 5 were "Flinch tester" rounds. :D:D
I been at reloading for 28 years and I learn something new about every time I sit down to do it. The first year or two, well.... lets just say ya learn from your mistakes, just don't make tooo big of a mistake...