I agree with George....although mine aren't quite as good as his :D :D :D but the trick is to not let them get away with barking. Mine bark when I feed em and when I start loading dogs to go hunting, but I allow them to...where as I can see if a feller lived in the city you'd have to be...
Glad to hear your first day was a sucess, heck it should just get better now...lol
Looks like them dogs you bought musta knew what a bear smelled like. Glad to see they done good...keep us posted :D
Hey George,
You mean your dogs can't strike a three day old track :D :D :D Sounds like you had fun.....good luck and keep us posted on how your doing. Tobey....bet all this talk bout bear huntins got ya a little anxious huh?....makes me want to drive across the U.S. :D
Yea Tobey tell us if ya got some action last nite with the dogs or other wise :D :D :D I'm kinda afraid of getting them hair pullers from "The Wolf Pack" ROFLMAO What if I struck on a five day old bear track....dang would take my dogs 30 hrs. to catch him.....lol
George ,
Yea it was fun with "GATOMAN" <------ Better?
I seen alot of bear and some new country, gonna talk him into coming back down for some bobcat fun this fall.....wish you and Tobey were closer....good luck again
I know how ya feel about not having the bear population as good as others..I have spent lots of days without a strike. That Tobey and FK live in good bear country :D :D Sure wish ya luck on your training season.....let us know how the new dogs do ok?
Hey maineiac,
didn't go as well as I had hoped. Didn't get out like I should I did however get up north and hunt with Flyin_K. That was fun. We never treed anything, but my dogs sure had sore feet when I got home he he. FK is a good fellar......he showed me more bears in a few short days than I...
GeorgeP, Tobey, and Maineiac, man haven't heard from you boys in a while. Hope your training season goes well.....show off some pics if ya get some....lookin forward to readin some B.S. stories too :D :D :D
Yuppers George.....That Idaho is some awsome bear hunting country. I like our mtns better but they have alot more bears there :D :D Gato has a few good rig dogs and we struck around 3 tracks every day. Wished the dogs wouldn't have got so dang hammered on that big boy....but heck it was awsome...
I think it all depends on the line of dogs. There are still some registered dogs out there that will cold trail and tree game with the best of them. On the other hand my best dogs are grade dogs. I am working on trying to get a walker pack together that are all registered out of some old blood...
Big Sky,
Super bears.....only one thing you forgot on your hunt and that was hounds.lol :D :D :D Nah spot and stalk is probly pretty exciting also....congrats
I think the thing you are looking for is called "the Bionic ear" not sure though. Your right I think Nite Lite use to sell them ,but I don't have a catalog with one in either. I will keep looking though
I to make sure that my hounds have on tracking equipment, I also carry my backpack which has a flashlight, lighter, some first aid items, and usually a few candy bars and water, and other than that I just make sure I dress properly.....lol......and yea I always have my cell phone :D :D