For the best of hunters and enviromentalists, I would rater this wait until after the next election based on the track record of the public lands being developed latetly. Here is a quote that I tend to agree with. Willcox said bear habitat is being chipped away by development, oil and gas...
One and that is is mtmiller. Anyone can get the tag, while supplie last, first come, first served. Only one elk per hunter can be taken from Grand Teton National Park.
Nice hunt Nemont and glad you had the lil one with you at the time. You mentioned the area is shut off to off trail travel. Were the road hunters in thewre illeagally?
I agree, orange. Even if there was a no orange required here, I would wear some orange. My horse gets covered with orange flagging tape as well as any animal he packs out for me.
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