PEAX Equipment

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  1. T

    Camp or Motel it???

    I've done both. prefer motel over camping now that I'm middle aged LOL
  2. T

    Light at the end of the tunnel

    Good luck with the interview. Hope everything comes together the way you want
  3. T

    dream hunt fulfilled

    Awesome bull and really cool pics. thanks for taking the time to post
  4. T

    Eagle Cap Wilderness in Oregon

    Hunted there once a few years back. thought it was a better are for deer than elk but it held a few elk
  5. T

    A few better bulls

    Great pics
  6. T

    Thank You Big Fin

    Congrats Jake. Can't wait to hear the story on how your hunt goes. BigFin is one awesome dude
  7. T

    Arizona muley

    Thats a real decent buck. Congrats
  8. T

    New to the site

    Welcome to Hunttalk
  9. T

    RX for Cabin Fever- Elk Hunting Picture Thread

    Awseome thread. thanks for sharing everyone
  10. T

    You guys might like this

    Thanks for posting this link. Real cool
  11. T

    SHOT Show

    Have fun at the show. Don't spend too much of your hard earned dollars at the tables
  12. T

    Rock Springs

    Spent a little time 20 plus years ago in Rock Springs. Not a bad place. I'm sure it has changed. Good luck in your relocation
  13. T

    How much $ on a OYOA

    With myself, wife and 2 sons just buying licenses and gear for our local hunting here is a lot. Add on this coming falls hunt for my wife and I in WY which will be an outfitted hunt because that is what she has always wanted to do this year will be over 10k
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    I agree with the last poster. I think nationwide support for the second amendment is much higher than this poll shows
  15. T

    Whos ready for Spring

    We're putting in for the draw here in Wa state in the blue mountains and will see what happens. Planning Idaho for spring of 2012
  16. T

    Trophy Room Pics

    All iI can say is there are some great pics here
  17. T

    That time again - Wyoming

    Thanks Big Fin for all the useful info
  18. T

    3 bulls in 12 hrs- lots of pics

    Thats real cool
  19. T

    Just a Little Guy

    Nice buck.
  20. T

    Full Body Brown Bear

    On my dream hunt list too, but probably will never happen. But dreams are nice

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