PEAX Equipment

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  1. S

    I Forgot

    Keith, Have fun nuking the little bastards :D Don
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    Die woodchuck, die

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elkhunter: Sounds like someone is having a little fun <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Elkhunter, Yep, its fun Dave and I are kind of sick,,,,,ok we are sick, lol We always walk the fields when done killing them to see what the bullet did to them. I have...
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    Die woodchuck, die

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ithaca 37: Shaky, If you've never tried them, boil the hind quarters for 30 minutes and then barbecue them! Pretty good!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ithaca, No thanks, I just can't bring myself to even try one. Nut, Dave killed one at 65 yards...
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    Die woodchuck, die

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ithaca 37: That's pretty good. What caliber do you use and do you ever eat them? The hillbillys I hunted with in PA used to eat them all the time. They were good, too!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ithaca, No we definately don't eat them. Most of the...
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    Die woodchuck, die

    I killed 4 more last night. Make the new count 56 Don
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    My Elk Hunt

    I got my elk tag and some sort of stupid certificate from CO the other day. Do all western states have such F***** up licensing? In any case I found that the area we are supposed to hunt is on fire :( The person Jim (VPD10) and I were supposed to hunt with had to leave his house because the...
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    Die woodchuck, die

    Hello all, So far this season Dave and myself have managed to expire the life of 52 woodchucks. :D Anybody else out ridding the USA of varmints? Don
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    New forum guys

    Del, Speaking of fishing, how are you doing? Don
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    Talking about African hunt....

    Moosie, Sounds like somebody "MAY" be getting a commision off some book deal, lol. Had the person actually listed some valuable information, I would of said: Fine, but they just touted some "Book". Well, gee wizz, lol I located a web site that offers a LOT and I do mean a LOT of USEFULL...
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    Talking about African hunt....

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elkhunter: There you go Moosie. HA has lots of info for you. I am sure you will be more than welcome there :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ROTFLMAO Thanks for the laugh ElkHunter, I needed that. Don
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    Talking about African hunt....

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moosie: Shakey.. you tyalked to RAY ? Does that mean you're going or planning to go to AFRICA ? YAH, I can't blame ya wanting to put me in a ditch, but I'll drag ya with me ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're going to have a sore back after dragging me...
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    A Future hog hunt - possibly

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nut: I would be interested in one if we get enough people from here to go. I have a few questions tho. What month would we go? What is the deposit? Can I use a 30-06 with a Leoupold scope? :eek:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mid January is a good time to...
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    Talking about African hunt....

    Oscar, Ditching you? Anybody that fugly belongs in a ditch :D I have been busy as of late working on a new project - which I hope to get. I was in the chat room the other night and I told "Mars" to say hello to everybody for me,,,,,if he forgot I am gonna,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have talked to Ray...
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    Talking about African hunt....

    Oscar, I am not sure who you are talking to - as to an outfitter but you have one of the best booking agents in the world in your own back yard - Ray Atkinson. I am sure if you called Ray he would set up EVERYTHING in a very professional manner and he is so well known I would be 100% confident...
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    A Future hog hunt - possibly

    Hi all, I haven't been around much lately. I have been working on a project that hasn't allowed much free time lately. Hopefully that will change in another 2 weeks. In any case I see where some of you are going hog huntin. When I got back from the Sheep hunt I was talking to a bunch of...
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    ALL those going on the HUNT to Texas..

    American Airlines Flight # 2739 St Louis to San Antonio Arriving SAT @ 4:50pm Shaky P.S. Without jerky I will rent a car,,,,,with jerky I THINK I have a ride,
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    What up with the weather down there??

    Jim 2 letters, and you know what they are,,,,,,,,,,,ah to hell with it,,,they are FU (Free Umbrellas) in case anybody wanted to know and it looks like we are all going to need Umbrellas :( Don
  18. S

    What should I...

    Jim, No need to be concerned about my PURPLE rifle. It won't be making this trip. As you can see by the post below yours (From Nut) you should be REALLY concerned about him in his pink dress. LMAO Then again, he is from Ohio, what can one expect? LMAO Don
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    Brushy Hill, Who's Going?

    Danr, Sounds good to me We probably won't get in until around 10 or 11PM though since the OLD GOAT is driving,,,and at his age he is lucky to find Texas let alone the motel, lmao As ALL of you can see the fat little whop is going senile - afterall he was born before dirt was invented, lol...
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    Brushy Hill, Who's Going?

    If all of you remember, a few posts back I said, OK GREASEBALL go ahead and tell your lies. Well folks, the fat, short, bald headed whop is TELLING them for sure, LMAO NOW, here comes the TRUTH, Back in Dec 2001 we went deer hunting together. I took a few packs of deer jerky with me for the...
Caribou Gear

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