This is the reply I got from a buddy of mine that has done quit a bit of hunting in S. AZ....
For Arizona, I would consider this an "urban" unit. Right out of Tucson.
Best bets are along Cienega Wash, or glassing up slopes on the west side of
the Whetstone Mountains in the prickly pear. Good...
I'm glad to hear the kid's got you to take him. His neighbor sounds like a real prick. I have a buddy that's done some hunting in southern AZ.... its a long shot, but I'll see if he knows anything about this unit.
I find it interesting that in the poll results statistics stated above that the percent of those polled that are against wolf reintroductions is greater than the percent of the population that hunt. Given that there are hunters that are pro-wolf, this would suggest that a fair chunk of...
Invariably, many on this board will think this is good news, but I wonder....
Hefley furious at choice for panel
New lands chief pro-development
By Mike Soraghan
Denver Post Washington Bureau
Friday, January 10, 2003 - WASHINGTON - House Republican leaders chose Rep. Richard Pombo, a...
I sure hate to hear about the ranchette part. It's happening all too often. Hope it all works out. Had you looked into conservation easements to help out with the taxes?
I seem to recall that the largest expense of harvesting timber is roadbuilding. The significance of roadbuilding costs varies by terrain type, of course, so the equation changes when comparing, say, the Pacific northwest to the southwest. And, since clearcuts are more prevalent in the PNW than...
I sort of expected you to label the author of the above posted article a wacko. But I guess stating.... "I don't put any faith at all in the guesstimates on elk/cow/calf numbers any of these private anti wolf organizations are putting out.".... is close enough.
Why do you not put any...
Wolf - Are you seriousely questioning the normality of herds of 100+ elk based on your observations of moose and deer? You come across as smarter than that! You don't really need someone to explain why drawing conlusions on elk herding behaviour based on moose and deer is invalid, do you?
ELKCHSR.... How is clearcutting more costly than other prescriptions? It is my understanding that a primary driver for clearcutting is that it is so much LESS costly.
I was 23. Shot a very old cow with my PSE Fireflight on the Gila. The only teeth in her mouth were her ivories. She tasted so bad I almost quit elk hunting. Haven't had a bad one since, though.
OK, from Ithaca's last post, it seems that my initial understanding of the WY plan was reasonably accurate. But I still ask why the plan is bad. It seems designed to keep wolves restricted to areas they should be in and out of areas they shouldn't be in. So, if this plan is what is holding...
Somebody please educate me on the WY management plan and why it is bad. The little I know about it suggests that in some areas wolves would be listed as preditors similar to coyotes and free-for-all killing would be permitted. But in other areas (wilderness areas?) hunting would be controlled...
The world is a very different place now than it was before we nearly eradicated the wolf. The differences exist at all levels, political, social, economic, habatat quantity and quality, real and intrinsic value systems, demands on resources, including game animals, human population levels and...
How is the Canadian deer and elk hunting in the specific areas with wolf concentrations? Do wolves inhabit all the same areas as deer and elk in Canada? If not, is there a difference in hunting where preditor and prey coexist vs. where they don't? Can and are wolves hunted in Canada? If so...