Here is my comment, submitted to the Forest Service in response to this:
I am all for using timber resources and feel any negative impacts, such as erosion, can (and must) be mitigated. However, I've read that the Forest Service estimates that this project will result in a net loss of $800,000...
I am all for utilizing the resource. Doesn't make much sense to me to let all that timber rot if it can and should be used. However, to do so at the taxpayers expense sounds awfully like a subsidy to me. That doesn't make any sense either.
Four years ago I hunted with a group of friends, one of which had a string of horses and mules. I rode both, but must say I sure felt more at ease on those steep slippery slopes on the mule!
I enjoyed the hunt greatly, but we had a guy in camp that wasn't hunting and spent all his time with...
My elk hunting plans kind of got screwed up at the last minutes, so I'm winging it this year. Put in for a 1st season bull tag in 371. Anyone know anything about this unit? It's pretty close to home, so I'll be able to do some scouting, but thought someone here might be able to help with the...
Sounds like it would have been fun. I was busy that night putting together the checkin packets for our banquet next week. I'm truly sorry that I did not prepare packets for DS, Bowman, CO Oak, or Buzz. You know... you guys would have been welcome even though DS and Bowman couldn't make it!
Gun Dog... Elk live in 161. Maybe not as many as in other units, or they are way up in the Zirkles, but they are there (did we converse via email about this last year? can't remember if it was you). I've killed 5 elk in 5 years there. But, now that it's a CWD unit, I may go elsewhere this...
I, too, hope RMNP implements a hunt. I have my doubts, though. Can you imagine the public outcry when park visitors start seeing dead elk being hauled out of the woods?
I recall the park being as concerned for the aspen in the park as for the health of the elk. Seems the elk are killing off...
Buzz - while what you say is technically correct, I wouldn't want to try and explain that I'm not poaching if cought on private property with a weapon during hunting season, even if my intention was only to tresspass.
In Ested Park, they complain about all the elk wandering through town, disrupting gardens, parks, and golf courses... but by golly, you sure can't shoot them! That would be wrong!
DS - with horses you have the luxury of getting your game out the night you shoot it as well as the luxury of not caring about a half pound of extra weight.
I'd rather carry a half-pound more water than a saw. And pretty much any critter I shoot at night stays there till the next day. I...
If I were backpacking in, I'd take a saw too, as there would be multiple uses for it. But, as I dayhike in, and am never more that 4 or 5 miles from camp, and will undoubtedly have to make mutliple trips anyway, I don't carry the saw in the field. I can always bring it in on a subsequent trip...
Bufalo hunting, even in the old west days of shooting them from train cars, has never been difficult or 'challenging'. Why does it now have to be difficult or challenging to be legitimate hunting? Hunting wild bufalo is now as its always been. I think that is one difference from game farm shoots.
OK DS... if its snowing like hell, then its cold and that bull will be just fine overnight if ya get the guts out. That's what I've done before and probably what I would do again. And I've never needed a saw to quarter an elk, in fact would prefer not to use one for this job. The extra 90...
DS - Of course I don't think all the bulls are killed as soon as they grow 4 points. I've seen some monsters, and I'm sure you have. But an awfull lot of them are killed young. I don't think the average of all bulls killed in Colorado is that great, hence our reputation for having inferior...