Lets see, I always have my compass and knife on me they go on my belt every morning year round.My tracking system (never tern loos without one)2 way radio.leashes.Gun.And if where going to shoot I bring my back sacks.I have a cell phone in the truck but portables don't work up here 90% of the...
Welcome Maineiac
Glad you found the place pull up a chair(not the lazy boy thats mine) :D George Don't move her yet I sould have some money coming your way by the end of the week.I would like to own her too.See if you can move my foxy dog.Dan called yesterday and he just bought out Bob P.He...
Sounds like you did the right thing.
I have done the same thing with a garden hose down the throut to there stumick to save a dog from twisted gut.The closest vet to me is 60 miles and in Canida,so we do alot of our own docterin.
Hay all
You guys aren't wiring a bomb for show and tell are you?? :D George I got the last 2 weeks in Ouctober still to book and I usualy keep the last week free for myself and to get ready for deer season.You are all welkome to come anytime.You mite haffta sleep on a cot in my garadge or the...
My opinion as a outfiter and Guide
I think it sucks that you can't hunt where you want to !!!
On the other hand why can't the outfiters have a few perks???? I don't know about WY But here in Maine Guided bear hunts alone Generates Over 8 million dollors of revenue each fall from out of...
Roxy is a ladyes dog when the wife goes out back Roxy dances speeks and sings for her LOL
Its hard to say when the roads are going to be passable here George Theres still 18" of snow on them.Hopfully by May :D :D The holl town is predicting ice out May 5th I hope so got some Salmon...
Hay George
Theas here are doing great,I been thinking the same as you.Coyote season never closes
So I think I will just make coyote Dogs out of them. :D :D And Hope they trash good on bear :D
I think Vermont has a spring training season
It is a dumb law,And makes it exstreemly hard to train yung dogs.We only have the month of August to train on bear.When the kill season opens I got hunters so I am terning loos hounds I know can get the job done not pups.
You are right about treeing them big ones
:D Most of them get shot on...
You are getting me jellos sitting here with no spring season :mad: :mad:
Catman glad to see you are a Master baiter not just a little Dubber :D :D
[ 08 April 2001: Message edited by: Tobey ]
Would love to send in all the dogs Bcat :D :D But up here in Maine we are only alowed 4 at a time on bear. ;) But I have treed 400# bear with just 2 walkers
Can I play :D :D Cool Pic.Buckshot.
I had a bobcat hound leave a cold track one time and start diging in a brush pile,Stuped me when i got there I thought he was diging for a Bobcat.When he got hind quaters deep and started Baying I puled him out and whent in head first with my 22 to shoot...
I think this pic was done before the walker dog was discovered LOL :D Now are them redbones or plotts Gatto ;) ;)
I think I would feed all 4 dogs watever collor they are :D :D
[ 07 April 2001: Message edited by: Tobey ]
Thanks I fixed the Powerpage if you want to give it a look.I sould rename most of the pic's gone but not forgoten.Most of them dogs have past on.Only Baldy Foxy Ranger and Lucy still here.I gave up trying to top my brother when it comes to deer hunting,Them Bucks where in 1978 and he...