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  1. M

    Bush Looking Anew for Alaska Oil Drilling

    "This will probably be a real interesting battle. Moosie,Thanks for the picture of an owl on a pipe. That proves we should erect pipelines everywhere for owls to perch on." No Ithaca ,thats not what everyone is saying. What I get out of these post's is that most people think we should use...
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    It's not too Soon to Start

    BigHornRam, LOL That give me the shivers just thinking about her in the whilehouse again .
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    It Sucks Again

    That shouldn't take you very long .:D ;)
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    Baby is here....

    What a cutie. I can already see him tagging along on a hunt. Way to go on the new little one.
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    Bush Looking Anew for Alaska Oil Drilling Check out the photo's.
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    Bush Looking Anew for Alaska Oil Drilling

    Tom2, you might want to check out this link. TOP 10 REASONS TO SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT IN ANWR "1. Only 8% of ANWR Would Be Considered for Exploration Only the 1.5 million acre or 8% on the northern coast of ANWR is being considered for development. The remaining 17.5 million...
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    Bush Looking Anew for Alaska Oil Drilling

    LOL Moosie , Your insensitive . "Comparing Development in winter range to drilling in AK is like comparing boinking a dude instead of a chick... Sure you can put it in the same topic, but it's definately not the same thing." Guppie9 ,Very good post.
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    "Why MD hates Ralph Nadar"

    MD, How about expalining to all of us what's wrong with Ralph? (In another topic, please. Call it, "Why MD hates Ralph Nader". " Ithaca pleace tell me where I said I hate Ralph Nadar . I'll be waiting for your proof,otherwise I'll figure you're lying again. Ithaca's quote to BHR. "BHR, You...
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    Here's who I'm voting for

    Ithaca ,shown me where I said I that I hate Ralph Nadar . I dont hate Ralphie ,and I dont Hate the Sierra club,I just think Ralph is a loser like John Kerry ,and I think the Sierra club has some members that are losers. "Are you unable to focus on a topic without attacking whomever started it...
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    Here's who I'm voting for

    Good picks , you have voiced support of Ralph Nader,The sierra Club and now Spitzer , To read Ithaca's post's it's easy to get the impression that he support's Gun control and the animal right's movement ,we already know where he stand's on ranchers & grazing, mutiple use ,predator's and...
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    Here's who I'm voting for

    "Here's who I'm voting for " Good pick for anyone that back's gun control. I wonder how he stands with the animal rights wacko's????????? This a classic case of someone backing a person on one issue , or is it? Maybe he knew all along how Mr. Spitzer viewed Firearm's!!!!!!!!!!!! Spitzer’s...
  12. M

    A sad day for hunters and wildlife

    LOL Moosie,good answer. It doesnt matter anymore what Kerry would of done ,the only thing that does matter is how the america people voted . They proved they were smarter then to let " The Michael Moore" type supporters make up there mind for them and tell them who to vote for. It must suck...
  13. M

    Kerry voters are smarter than Bush voters

    Calif Hunter,who wrote that ???? LOL It looks alot like some of the back patting post's we get on this forum . "eat better, travel more, dress better, watch cooler movies, earn better salaries, meet more interesting people, listen to better music and know more about what's going on in the...
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    Where is Micheal Moore?

    MattK, dont take this wrong as I am not trying to be a smart ass (right now) LOL I was just wondering if you dont know anything about Zell Miller, do you know anything about John Kerrys voting record on animal right's issues?
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    Norton looks to protect birds, development

    It's nice to see something of a more positive post. "Anything that works will be OK with me." As we all know that hasnt been your view in the past. But it's still nice to read something of a positive. "Just don't use any smokescreens to keep them off the list." I might add "and dont use...
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    If I had A,,,,

    LOL, kids know best ------just ask them. You girls keep your dad in line he needs the help. Go get em Tony.
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    Great picture. My prayer are with all of you that are willing to place yourself in harms way to help keep this counrty safe and strong. Thank you .
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    Veterans Day

    A big Thank you to all the veterans. My thoughs and prayers go out to all of you and your familys for everything you have and are doing for this country. I thank god we have such strong men and women willing to go that extra mile to help keep us safe.
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    Baby is here....

    Thats great news. Happy to hear everyone is doing good. Cute name.
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    When to start taking the kids.

    PAhunter,great picture what a cutie. "Instead of aiming he vaguely points in the same direction and yanks the trigger.....Need to work on that" LOL TBone ,I know some adults that still shoot like that. I cant wait for the grandkids to get the chance to hunt game. We take our granddaughter...

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