PEAX Equipment

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  1. Ovis

    AK draw

    that's okay, so long as you saved me a spot on the next blacktail hunt.
  2. Ovis

    AK draw

    spiridon get booked early.
  3. Ovis

    AK draw

    TB, you can sherpa for me on my spring 2013 kodiak brownie hunt. score....
  4. Ovis

    Winter Pics

    Insane pics!
  5. Ovis

    Kodiak Blacktail Hunt

    TB, I can take you elk hunting in Salcha in exchange for blacktail on Kodiak.
  6. Ovis

    AK draw

    I may have forgot to apply for my PFD last year, but I made the deadline for draw tags with 36 hours to spare....booyah!
  7. Ovis

    AK draw

    Sheep, Ox, Buff and hot babes.
  8. Ovis

    Alaska moose - OYOA style

    Swing by Elkgunner's double-wide and drop your camera equipment off to him. Moosie and him are coming up next fall to watch me fill my tag on a moose. I'll do the entire hunt for $1K.
  9. Ovis

    Huge Brooks ram

    Not to take anything away from that ram, but still a dink in comparison to ...
  10. Ovis

    Quick Goat Hunt

    Nice job TB! If I am lucky I might get a caribou hunt in or maybe a Kodiak/PWS blacktail hunt. I need some venison for the freezer...preferably blacktail.
  11. Ovis

    Ovis Strikes Back

    You know Draft, it's man's junk is another man's treasure. And in this case I'm not talking about the truck...that thing is by no means worth defaming. I'm very happy with my pick em up truck and cannot wait to test her out in the hill country. I purchased a nice shell for it so I...
  12. Ovis

    Ovis Strikes Back

    Oh no, my ex is either actively stalking me on Hunttalk or she is suddenly interested in hunting. I was approached today by my not so faithful ex wife about this particular post. I just wanted to bring it back to the top so she can once again read up on the gossip. Last I checked I haven't...
  13. Ovis

    Cabela's $20 off $150

    Rebate Number: 510195652 Security Code: CXCWTU Exp: 9/30/2011 Enjoy....
  14. Ovis

    Sheep hunt cut short part 2

    Please return to google earth and tag this last photo at the exact location of the kill.
  15. Ovis


    might be one of the few hunts i do this year...winter-ish.
  16. Ovis

    Ovis Strikes Back

    Got mine ordered Randy...personally I was partial to #25.
  17. Ovis

    Grand poobah of road hunting

    Oak, do you and Tyson live close to one another?
  18. Ovis

    Grand poobah of road hunting

    wyo: advertised is 23/17. I can't give an accurate mileage b/c Ford hasn't produced the codes to recalibrate the computer to compensate for the aftermarket tires. I haven't really kept a log of the mileage I get, but if I were to wag it I would say combined hwy and city (I drive about 50/50...
  19. Ovis

    Grand poobah of road hunting

    I'm driving from Oklahoma to Alaska next month and I'm wondering which route offers the best possibility to maximize my road hunting prowess since it will be prime hunting season.
  20. Ovis

    Ovis Strikes Back

    Trial is over guys, and I am quite happy with how the judge ruled on it. Sweetnectar, you get bonus points for your creativity in your post. This was the kind of material I was looking for...
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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