I have the following capes for sale.
1 (froz) green mule deer cape off a 20" 4pt shoot in late Oct. Asking $60.
1 (froz) green shiras moose cape off a 37" bull shoot mid Oct. Asking $250
1 (froz) tanned elk cape off 5pt bull shot early Nov. Asking $200
1 (froz) tanned elk cape off 6pt bull shot...
Sorry about the spelling. I should have proof read the text before I posted it. When I got home my wife read the post and had a good laugh at me. She is a teacher.
This past week my oldest son's soccer team qualified for the state highschool soccer tournament. Unfortunatly they were eliminated before the saterday finals. so to cheer him up we went hunting on Saturday. About 10:30am we spotted a heard of elk with two spike bulls in the bunch. I didn't have...
My northern Idaho hunt didnt work out like it was suposed to and I was not able to hunt where I had planed, so I didnt get anything. I have to say I only hunted for a day and a half so it was not a real good effort.
I thought I would steel a little of Moosie's thunder and tell part of the story before he could. I only post about 3 or 4 times a year but I visit often to check on the latest photos and stories. Moosie brought my son (Rhet) up to meet me so I could take him elk hunting on the last saturday of...
Well I was lucky enough to be with T-Bone on the AK hunt. Overall it was a great experience. I was able to fill both my tag's early in the hunt and spent the rest of the time skinning, capping and hunting with Tyson and the other guy's.
I felt real bad for Tyson as he probably saw as much or...
My 15 year old son and i tryed our hand at bear bating this year. Things werent going all that well. We hadent had much action at our site and as of tonight had only seen one bear and he hadn't came all the way in. My son wanted to shoot his bear with his bow but opted to take the rifle tonight...
My 15 year old son and i tryed our hand at bear bating this year. Things werent going all that well. We hadent had much action at our site and as of tonight had only seen one bear and he hadn't came all the way in. My son wanted to shoot his bear with his bow but opted to take the rifle tonight...
Moosie is partly right. I have build and remodeled two or three slide in campers. My main hunting rig Is a small slide in that i Built. However, if i had it to do all over agian I would probebly just have one custom built. It might cost a bit more but they have the tools and parts to do a nicer...
My dad has decided that he is getting old and about ready to kick the bucket. I think he has got quite awhile yet but he is in this get our affairs in order mood and wants to sell most of the trophies in his collection. He has approximately 75-100 head and life sized mounts that he would like to...
Congradulations on the buck! But I have to say that I have shot 5 point bull elk that didnt go 300lbs gutted and skined so im thinking his scale needs adjusting.
Seems the potential for a new sheep herd is a good thing even if it means that a few must die to keep the herd healthy. I can’t stand domestic sheep, but it seems to me that we must put up with killing a few wandering sheep or have no new sheep at all. I'll take killing a few wandering sheep