An added bonus of not wearing camo is that you have more gear options. Finding the right piece of gear is easier when you can choose from Outdoor Research, Rab, etc in addition to the hunting brands
After dealing with heel blisters in a variety of boots and despite wearing quality socks and liners, I eventually said to hell with it and now I pre-tape my heels with leukotape
Here in Anchorage AK this morning it was a full 30 degrees warmer than where my family is back in KY. Temps were actually in the high 40s earlier this month (which of course melted all the snow and turned everything into ice once it got cold again)
I saw in another thread that Yeti bought MR and seems like that they will phase out their packs. Although, it looks like the MR brand itself is supposed to continue in some form, so maybe they’ll continue honoring warranties and providing repair service
I have two pairs of shoes for the gym. A pair of Brooks Ghosts for running and non-lower body lifting, and a pair of Nike Metcons for lower body stuff. Taking your shoes off and lifting in socks is also popular for non-locomotor lower body lifting (squats, deads, etc)