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  1. M

    Dubya Leaves More Children Behind....

    Part of the problem seems to be which monies are available. I talked to a former School Board member today who said they had money available to build whatever they wanted but didn't have the money to hire a new teacher. Coming up here in the next election is a referendum to increase the tax...
  2. M

    Anti Gun Control

    Pointer if you have one of those you can get a better weapon. If you stay to the cities you force them to a ground war, no way would they even do a sugical strike in a city. Too many civilian casualties would lose the war for them. That's what the Pro-gunners need to work on more, public...
  3. M

    Anti Gun Control

    Gunner reread that it did not say "in Germany" it said Germany killed and the phrase "and others". Besides ,there are people who claim the holocaust never happened, add to that the fact that conclusive numbers aren't known due to the destruction of records and non-reporting. The JFPO saw fit...
  4. M

    Is Dubya the Dumbest President? Released Study says Yes

    Sorry, Why don't you try posting factual stuff? Sure makes the rest of us doubt the salmon stuff and other items you post.
  5. M

    Whats in your cd player?

    I wouldn't be caught dead with country in mine, it clogs speakers... Foghat, Aerosmith, Metallica , or one of the "Hair" bands , haven't looked lately..........
  6. M

    Zell Miller speaks

    Zell did a good job other than referencing David Barton, isn't "original Intent" the book he wrote that he had to issue an apology on for creating quotes from the Founding Fathers?
  7. M

    Assault weapons ban renewal picks up Republican support.

    Gunner , it might seem like a million years ago to some of us but there are others who still relive it almost nightly. If you don't mind, I'll answer your question to me from the other thread here. I never vote my wallet, I've been able to make money and prosper or survive no matter how the...
  8. M

    The Boy has a message for everyone....

    And it actually made sense! I guess the apple can fall farther from the tree..
  9. M

    The battle begins!

    Gunner, in addition to what DG said , I guess the second question you posed... The Patriot Act scares the begeebers out of me.. even if this administration doesn't misuse it , which I don't think they have yet, it sure opens the door for any administration of any party to really get into our...
  10. M

    The battle begins!

    "If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them. "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in," I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here." -U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D/CA) speaking of her authorship of...
  11. M

    W's Resume

    Then he should be prosecuted for not reporting what he saw.
  12. M

    W's Resume

    How would Nader have acted or reacted to 9-11? I don't know , I'm asking. Beardown can you prove your statement about prior knowledge? Can you prove the method or targets were known even if they did have prior knowledge that an attack were eminent? Has it been proven that Bush was anymore...
  13. M

    NAHC is SUEING Moosie/Hunttalk !!!!!!

    Michael it's member only I don't think links work or atleast they didn't before
  14. M

    Git your facts straight!

    What the hell would you know anyway D? You are only in the industry and have been forever.
  15. M

    Git your facts straight!

    This example is why when I posted my two links I tried real hard to stay away from reporters with whistle blower type books. The Stossel link is different in my mind since it was from ABC's own site and admitted to a bias in the media. It adds credibility to it IMHO
  16. M

    Welcome Fellow NAHC Members

    Post more, it'll change
  17. M

    Git your facts straight!

    Geez , I just threw up with that vision.
  18. M

    Git your facts straight!

    I haven't found it yet but here's a quote from Tom Brokaw Brokaw suggests there is no such thing as liberal media bias ... and then asserts that liberal bias is an "obligation" of journalism. Journalists should "represent the views of those who...
  19. M

    Git your facts straight!

    A couple of weeks ago one of the big three news agencies had an article on their website admitting to a liberal slant to their stories , I hope I can find it...
  20. M

    From the "Idiots on Parade" Department

    Who would have thought that you'd have to go to war in the military?? When did this start? Must have been the Republicans doings. Training with weapons and such.. isn't that just for movie careers after you retire? My gosh , how can they sleep ? Expecting military personell FIGHT? I am...
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