Kenetrek Boots

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    So, does this mean it goes back to the way it used to be? no name calling no foul language no personal attacks?
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    Well said in another thread

    " Now I suppose if Mars wants the board full of this type of goofy shit, well so be it. But you need to put up a general post and just give every one the same invite. " No, I'd rather it go back to the quasi respectful way it was quite a while back.
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    Well said in another thread

    LOL well yeah but you be da fearless leader type dude! no one wears a pan like you do.
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    Well said in another thread

    Well well well isn't this fun? This place hasn't been any good for the free-flow of information in a long time. Just a meeting of egos. No debate, no discussion , just browbeat the opponent. HEY! AIN'T THIS FUN? Hey, it's all about fun... for those who read here and not post. I was told so...
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    dgibson's career goes "boink"

    "Chief Engineer" wow, I thought you worked at a TV station not for the railroad?!?!?!?!?!?
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    Wild animal caught on camera

    Yeah but does she hunt or is she like the two that I have?
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    Richard Clarke's Legacy of Miscalculation Feb 17 2003

    Or the reported three versions he's told recently
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    Ex-Aide Says Bush Doing 'Terrible Job'

    Maybe Dubya was just fixated on a War with Iraq, and didn't want to be bothered chasing terrorists around 3rd world countries.... :rolleyes: yeah he was so fixated it took him 2 years to go to Iraq
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    Bush losing hunters support

    I heard a different story Gunner, GW was bobwhite hunting, a meadowlark flushed, he nailed it, when they discovered what it was HE called the F&G dept and reported it. It's quite easy to mistake a meadowlark for a quail. it's not so easy to mistake a Killdeer for a dove. I would bet that Kerry...
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    Damage from Warming Becoming 'Irreversible,' Says New Report

    Yeah global warming is a real threat, that's why temperatures are trending down..
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    Mullahs endorse Kerry

    Well you know he did tell that one guy at a town hall meeting that who he had taked to was "none of his business
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    Damage from Warming Becoming 'Irreversible,' Says New Report

    Yeah they are possibly the best solutions too.Since you can't beat Mother Nature and I really feel for the most part these reports are simply justifying budgets and grants. I don't fear global warming nearly as much as I do an asteroid hitting the earth. Face it, the Earth is a living thing...
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    Bush losing hunters support

    "I think I own 60 shotguns and rifles. I certainly am a Second Amendment believer," Dean said. "But if there is nothing to hunt, then guns don't mean that much to me." What the hell does hunting have to do with the Second Amendment? Evidently these guys haven't seen kerry's quotes on drilling..
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    Dubya Loses the Support of Military and Vetrans

    hmmm how many U.S. Soldiers were killed after Japan's surrender over what period of time? Same question for post WWII Germany.
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    Damage from Warming Becoming 'Irreversible,' Says New Report

    30 years ago it was global cooling.. If in ten years it turns out we're wrong then I guess we'll die, got to sometime anyway.
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    Mullahs endorse Kerry
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    What should i ask for grazing fee's?? go to the site for current info..
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    Dubya and Tom Ridge Trample on First Amendment

    Some Amish even use computers shhhh don't tell der Parson, I whittled mine out of an old barn door..
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    OK Nemont You Can Quit Now!!!

    You realize if he stops we'll be back to posts about fat-assed salmon that bust dams with ATV's ,pioneering trails to get there don't you?

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