So he voted on some gun control? Some gun control is necessary??
I stand corrected he did buy a hunting license ( why didn't his fans find this when I challenged them? OH yeah the article also shows his rating from anti-hunting groups )...
Yeah and it's because most of the gun control laws he voted for were defeated.
I've asked on several forums if anyone could provide evidence of Kerry having a hunting license, some of those forums have rabid Kerry fans, not just people who are against Bush, no one has taken me up on the...
Kerry's environmental policy?
Specifics now , not Bush did this or Bush did that.
Show me what a REAL Sportsman knows about Kerry.
Oh and also tell me how he's going to implement it.
Buzz, Kerry voted for 51 of 55 gun control bills. He follows lock step with Teddy.
Ithaca, YOU are the one spewing the Haliburton rhetoric, YOU are the one who keeps bringing it up. But when Kerry is shown to have dealings with them it's no big deal? You even made money off them? I see how it...
So, you've seen Kerry's voting record on guns then? The Second Amendment can be gutted and still stand. Vote Kerry in and you'll see that.
Don't expect too much on the environment either, Clinton gave Haliburton a free run in Yugoslavia ,Kerry will do the same given a chance. Haliburton isn't...
Cow tracking:
> >
> > Is is just me or does anyone else find it absolutely amazing that the
> >U.S.
> > government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago,right
> >to
> > the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington, and determine
> >exactly
> > what that cow ate...
Well shit, I don't know whether to wait at the mailbox or just watch the driveway.. maybe an airdrop???
Apron??? I hoped it would be a thong. Can I wear it as a thong?? I usually read Hunttalk nekkid but would change my ways for a Hunttalk apron/thong.
Speaking of hamstrung, when can I start...
Why haven't I heard any whining about the ruling on non-resident tags? Did i miss it? or , has everyone been so busy stirring shit that real news is getting by passed?
Can't be me , looks too anorexic.
I just found out last night that the pouch goes in front. I thought it went in back incase a fart got out of control :confused: :rolleyes:
Naww don't ban her, just teach her some manners. Imagine, a wimmens speaking to a male of the species in such a manner. She'll have to watch her P's and Q's or I'LL show the pics she sent and everyone will know that she knows a LOT about stuffing.
Now where in the Wide World of Sports did you get a "yes" outta that? You know, back in my day Wimmen didn't speak unless spoken to. Ain't you got dishes to do? ;)
WHOOO HOOO!! a chance at recognition!!! I gotta get to practicing!!! Moosie gonna spring for the logo tattooed on my butt? I figure a thong would give the least resistance and best splash. And I look GOOD in a thong!