Just because you hunt something and use its skin don't mean you can't respect it. I respect the way that no matter what you plan or stratigise they will fool even the best of the best. Like Blaine said I do not expect everyone to understand. It is not something easily explained.)I just know that...
Most of the time they make one little hole goin in and never see the light of day (no exit) the one thing that I was impressed with was that they stayed together enough to kill deer with. Lots of shock though.
Welcome to Moosies Hunt Talk Lance,
Glad you stoped by and hope you stick around. We need more good folks to visit with in here. Hope you had a good 4th
This is the call maker that I told you about. He makes that squirrel distress call that I love and a Deer grunt. This guy makes some damn nice calls and is very under priced.
You and I are the same about the pic's thing, I just feel like I got 3 left feet on this computer...
Just be carefull with kids around, if they stick their little hands inside that live trap them rotten ol'coon will tear them up.
If you catch a skunk in the live trap, you can go get some clear plastic visqueen and cut a strip off thats wider than your trap and about 8' long.
then just hold...
There is my buddy, I saw you on the TV yesterday night and had quite a chuckel,, what a ham,,LOL BTW that was one damn good shot you put on that Kansas Big boy with a smoke pole. I'will call in a few to visit ya ol'coot...
I'm crossin my fingers for ya bud
Well let me see if I can answer this from my point of view.
Q~1. What are the sounds that you use on the
A~ Coyote vocalizations and animal distress.
a1~ this is a hard question to answer with just a one liner, every stand will require a little diffrent attitude and varied call...
maybe you and Coldnosed can hook up and drive up here this fall and we can do some huntin, after all thats the best way to learn and there are so damn many coyotes up here that we can't help but call them in.
I also like to hunt with new people and trade ideas.
Yes Seldom, I'm a gun colector because of that little pistol. I found out that this colt was made in the early 1870's and is worth about 3,500 today but cost about 8 dollars new. It is a spur trigger gun and is in real good shape. When I found it it was wraped in cotton cloth and baccon lard or...
It seems to me that you are not happy unless there is termoil. You will ask a question, then when someone takes the time to give you an honest answer, maybe the best they have to give you always have something negitive to through back at them. No one likes that or wants to read it all...
One time at band camp,,, I just love that,,lol anyways we were hunting in this canyon in Colorado that I hunted as a kid when I steped through a hole in the edge of a hillside. I dug out the hole and found it to be what my father said later to be an air shaft to an old mine, as I dug this hole...
Custom hand made calls start around $20.00 and go up from there. My calls start at $45. and my Howlers start at $60. and go up. The most popular call I sell is the slydog "clasic" it is a closed reed type call but nothing at all like the factory produced calls. Each and every one is...
Quail Hunter,
Custom calls vary from call maker to call maker. Some make only openreed calls as they are the easiest to build and take the least amount of time to produce.
Some turn their calls on a laith and are noted for certian shapes while others build calls from antlers and let...