I've bought a couple used. The first was an older rifle but was nearly new. It came with a bunch of the custom ammo. The load info was provided in each box. It shot ok, but I wasn't really impressed. I changed bullets and powder and it's an absolute tack driver.
Bullshit! You've never called a bugling bull into your face and tried to find a way to draw. Hunting with a crossbow is not even close hunting with a bow......
JT88, not to speak for Carl, but I think his reasoning for shooting at 11x, rather than 22x is the ability to spot your misses - or impacts. Really tough at 22x.
Yep, three shots groups are utterly and completely meaningless to determine velocity.
I took a brand new custom 6.5 manbun witih handloads to the range yesterday. I shot four shots over the Labradar to zero at 100 yards. I plugged the initial velocity in my Shooter app and hit a five inch...
Seriously? You open and read a thread entiltled "Amy Coney Barret Confirmed and Sworn in" and want to complain that it has political overtones? Did you think it was going to be about how well deer and elk are managed in MT (another political topic)? Really? She will have a direct...
Being that youre from Ramsay, I'll bte I was in the same cold drizzle that you were that Saturday. I'd bet I was within 10 air miles and it was BALLS cold, boarderline hypothermia country, after the week before with high 80's and smoke every day. I wish I had some good advise for you, other...
Looks great! How did you cook the duck? I love hunting them, but have yet to find a way to really enjoy eating them. Have a new pup this year and am on a renewed search for good ways to cook them.
I may or may not have been in a dorm room at Montana Tech when a 30-06 was discharged. Luckily, not my rifle, not my AD. I only got dorm probation for having my rifle in my room. It's amazing how much smoke, "smokeless" powder makes in a confined space....
I agree. I live at 3,200' and had one ATV that would start puking at about 9,500' I had to rejet. I'd probably just buy the jets and know how to install them, if necessary. It's not too hard. Also make sure your air cleaners are clean or replace them. It will make a difference when the air...
I always keep a new space blanket in my pack. I've used them a few times over the years as a blanket, but much more often as a ground sheet for backstraps, tenderloins, hearts, etc. when quartering before packing. QUarters get hung in trees with paracord to cool and then game bagged just...
Respect their noses.... A herd of elk can mak a lot of noise. Don't worry too much about breaking a stick getting close. You still have a chance. One whiff of you - no chance.