I'm missing the Florida bird. I'm way ahead on Easterns, Rios and Merriams. I could shoot a half dozen Osceolas and have a half dozen slams. I best get busy.
Looks pure Merriams to me as well. Most of the mutts are further North mixed morre with the easterns that were translocated in '85. There was a plant of pure Rios SW of Council many years ago.
Congrats on a naice bird!
We had a stunning opening morning in the central Idaho turkey woods. Had my 76 year old partner been able to seal the deal on 3 more different gobblers, we'd have been done by 10 a.m.
I usually like them bout 50/50 in and above the water. I did have one set that was 100% above water last go around. It was a long slide that went under some sticks. Perfect!
Duck spot is frozen so I decided to make a few sets for creek de-nuders.
3 for 4 on the first go around. My 6 year old grandson thought it was great sport.
Largest was 58# on a scale.
And how can I rotate these cotten pickers after Windows 10 decides which way to display them!!!!