My preference
Is to Tree first , like Gato , then climb up and shakem by the nads just to make for positive .
I dont know who came up with the phrase "got the cat by the tail" I am sure some houndsman .
But I invented the phrase "Got the bear by the balls" .
I have been refraining on commenting as I thought someone else would have .
But why did you tell everyone you got nailed by SuperSider hump :D .
I think you could have used a better term on this post ;)
We had a BIG bear stay on the bait
For 4 hours getting a picture every 15 minutesand he was only 10 feet from the camera . This bear had a skull of 20"3/16 and squared 7'1" .
Cameras seem to scare some bears but the majority dont seem to mind .
Idaho F&G is going to give out an extra super tag . They are going to take the first 500 calls and put into a drawing .
They are trying to get more traffic on thier website .
Anyhow just call this # 1-800-deer-tag .
I got on the list .
Hope someone on here gets drawn .
I have 2 bait sites that get checked before season opens by atleast 2 weeks .
The bears are coming out in yellowestone and surounding areas and if they are coming out up here they sure as hell will be out down your way Ike .
Not all bear are going to be out but some are out and moving .
Site selection
Cover is very helpfull, if the bear is not comfortable it wont stay long.
Close to water is good stay legal thoughmake sure you are far enough from water and roads ( trails ) .
Pack that bait in if you are physicaly able to if not it will be an easy target for others .
I like...
If anyone over here in eastern Idaho
Needs any help getting started let me know as I might be willing to point you in the right direction , maybe even turn over a good bait site that I might not take care of myself this year .
I have a couple areas that have very good bears on them but they are...
Different bait for different sites
I have found that you need a variety of bait when starting up in the spring as sometimes they just hit the meat or just bread and pastries .
The one ingredient that will work at anytime ( atleast in my experience ) is strawberries .
Remember in spring bears...
California is not alone for big bodied bears , I know w3ashington has some monster bears as do several East coast states , Canada also has monster bears .
Just be sure that you are not claiming residency anywhere else or YOU WILL get caught as most states run comparisons( something like that ) , so if you plan on hunting or fishing Idaho as a resident you better not hunt or fish anywhere else as a resident .
I know that from experience , that you do not have to wait 6 months . I had a Idaho drivers liscense a job and was going to school , F&G said it was good enough and proved intent .
Maybe I missread but if you own a house here already get a drivers liscense and talk to F&G to make absolute sure .