Hey Oak, You speek purty good suthern tawk...:D
Thanks guys, I'll pass along the congrads. This picture was taken about 1:00 in the mourning. We didn't get home until 4:00. We had to cut him up and pack him out that night.
CHF, Just turn it loose and it will pretty much learn on its own. Any sorry o'l hound can run a deer. Some better than others but nearly all of them can. It's best if you can turn him loose with another dog. I have hunted deer my whole life with hounds. In fact our season opens next week...
No Bear for Boomer...:( For some reason mine quit coming to the bait. We have one hell of an acorn crop this year and they are already falling. Time to start chasing a big buck. I did get to help quarter up and pack out one that will weigh 250-300. 2 more were shot at and missed. Anyway we went...
Bear seaon opens tomorrow, the baits are getting hammered, the bow is tuned, and the camo is layed out. It's gonna be a long night. Come on 5:00 AM.... Wish me luck!
Thanks Guys! I will try to post the second story later on.
Moosie, We don't really want to talk about that...:D Actually I had a good time and Josh is real nice guy. I got the impression he couldn't take a joke very well so I didn't drag out the Hunt Talk hat... I didn't kill a pig and only...
Moosie, You know I wounldn't tawk about you...:D
Here is the short and sweet version of the story....
I got up on the mountain top about 30 minutes before daylight and sat there waiting for that early mourning music. I was sitting on the side of an old road and the moon was bright. Looked down...
Just thought I would drop in and say hi. Looks like DKO had a great year. Even o'l Moosie lucked into one...:D Damn turkeys must be deaf, dumb, and blind in Idaho!!!
My spring season went pretty well also, here is half my efforts. The pics of the other one didn't turn out.
George, A buddy of mine just bought one 2 weeks ago. We went out and tried the other day and I was not impressed. I would rather have my Merlin 6 at half the price than the Tracker. Just my opinion...
Pens are excellent for starting pups. Once I get mine started I like to run them allot on the outside. I can reserve the pen to myself or let other people show up. Tonight me and one other guy will be running. We can run in the pen tonight for $5/dog. Some pens have a minimum fee of...
Yup, toss em over the fence very quietly if you can... Sometimes the coyote will survive but, not often. The dogs that are run in the pens alot will cut and slash. Especially if they are run in the same pen all the time. They will learn how the coyotes run in that pen and head them off...
Great story George. Some buddies and me went to a fox pen Sunday. It is a small pen and the owner said he though he had 3 coyotes in it. We turned loose at 7:00 AM and caught all 3 coyotes by 9:30 AM. Needless to say catching coyotes in a pen is a big NO NO...
Gato, excellant story and pictures. You guys that can cat hunt and bear hunt w/ hounds make me jealous. We can apparently run bobcats around hear but, we never get any snow and I would have no idea how to hunt a bob in dry conditions. There seems to be several bobcats this year. I have seen two...