Caribou Gear

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    Sanora Mexico (NEED INFO)

    Don't you know you can't date a super mode if you are busy swatting fat girls on the rump! Ron
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    Geezer connects!

    The antlers are GREAT! but the body looks small, is that normal for the area? Ron
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    Another Idaho Whitey goes down hard...

    Sweet buck, I got to get me one of them! Ron
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    Another Idaho Whitey goes down hard...

    Sweet buck, I got to get me one of them! Ron
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    Another day chukar hunting

    Ya I did. He walked with me and my GPS said 16 miles for the weekend. DO you like his sagebrush lounge chair? Ron
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    Last day of hunting this week

    Today the wind was bad, but we did ok. I hunted Gretta for her first time this year. She has been off because of a torn ACL from last year. She did very well for the time she hunted. We shot 5 birds over her and she smoked them. Poor birds never had a chance. Jacob wing shot this bird. He is...
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    Another day chukar hunting

    Today was a decient day. Hildie had 3 points and 2 backs. We didn't get a lot of birds. I was trying to get my son on birds and we had two other kids. We shot 6 birds total. I got 4 but could have had a couple of more if I would not have been busy getting the kids in there. Hildie pointed this...
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    idaho unit 40 last week

    162 sounds better, but man that is a great buck non the less. He is heavy and a good looking deer. One to be proud of. Ron
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    What happened to the good old days???

    I would pay a small trespass fee. I paid 10 dollars to hunt a place for upland birds in Montana. I would pay up to 20.00 to hunt on land that I KNOW had birds. Here in my part of Idaho the land owners DON'T want upland game and don't manage for wildlife. For big game, I won't pay. It is not...
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    News about Gretta

    I have Gretta and Hildie. Buzz was put down over labor day weekend. Ron
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    News about Gretta

    I have a cousin in Twin Falls that does it. She has done horses, and Dogs that I know of. It might be too soon to tell but she is acting well and she runs hard with no limping. IT 37, the green up is starting to get good here. I hope to get out this weekend if my son gets his deer on friday. Ron
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    News about Gretta

    Last time I posted about Gretta I told you guys she had a torn ACL. Well she was not a candatate for surgery due to a back problem. Well we did a new therapy called (prolotherapy) here is a web page LAst year Gretta didn't walk on the left leg for 4 months. We did...
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    Saturday was a great doy to be a puppy

    I didn't remember the camera for chukar but here is some pictures of her pointing Blue grouse. Ron
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    Saturday was a great doy to be a puppy

    My 13 month old GSP Hildie got 4 points and 4 backs. I shot 7 chukar over her and my son got 2. She did a wonderful job. I wish I would have remembered my camera. Ron
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    Photos from my deer hunt

    Why don't you hunt the sheep? Ron
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    Two Idaho Blackpowder bucks

    I am real happy with the buck. I took the cape in and he is the biggest my Taxidermist has seen this year. Ron
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    Returning for an old friend...Pics.

    glad to see you got him found. Way to go! Ron
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    Returning for an old friend...Pics.

    glad to see you got him found. Way to go! Ron
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    South Dakota birds

    Would you be going after pheasant or Chukar? Ron
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    South Dakota birds

    So if you are going to whup up on the does that mean you and back to captian slucer mode?:D Ron