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  1. Highground

    Pics and more pics...

  2. Highground

    Pics and more pics...

    Curious youngin
  3. Highground

    As they lay

    What a great whitetail!
  4. Highground

    Wifes First Bull Elk! 2017 in Colorado!

    You DRUG that Bull 3 miles? You and your wife are tougher than me and mine! :p
  5. Highground

    Late season hunting boots

    I had a pair of Columbia omni heat 13 inch boots that were warm, like really warm. I think they had 600 gram insulation, the only drawback was the were only good for about 100 miles before they worn down. Im wearing Danners now saving for the Schnees
  6. Highground

    380-20 Elkhorns Montana

    What a beauty! Congratulations!
  7. Highground

    Tactics for elk hunting after the snow falls

    You wont hear me complaining about bird hunting thats for sure. :cool: But Id trade bird for big game in a heartbeat
  8. Highground

    Tactics for elk hunting after the snow falls

    My biggest problem is I can spot Elk all over the place but cant hunt them! The beauty and curse of living on a reservation as a non tribal member. 1.5 hour drive in all directions to hunt. Or a nice little hike over the Missions. :)
  9. Highground

    Beginners Luck

    Wow cool story and big congrats! People who help out the newbies not only assist in their personal success, but more importantly contribute to the overall health and vitality of our chosen lifestyle. Big thumbs up
  10. Highground

    Waiting on the bulls?

    Be careful coming out that steep stuff with all that meat! :D
  11. Highground

    Tactics for elk hunting after the snow falls

    Wow I really need to start proof reading my post. Cell phones suck
  12. Highground

    Tactics for elk hunting after the snow falls

    Glass for tracks not just Elk. I didny always do this bit it has helped me tremendously last few years.
  13. Highground

    Sticks and Stones- Breaks and Bones

    Awesome write up and a huge congratulations to you and your daughter! Great story/hunt and something dream of accomplishing with my youngsters. Huge thumbs up!!
  14. Highground

    How do they do it?

    Im still trying to figure this out myself. Id my ebstock dragonfly is heavy, but it can haul more than I can carry. My goal is to hike in with 40lbs including spotter and rifle, and be able to fit a boned out Muley buck in the return trip. I always end up hiking in with 60-70 lbs and have to...
  15. Highground

    Mt. Muley (Dave/Gerald strike again)

    Nice buck and cant wait to hear the rest...patiently waiting
  16. Highground

    Not getting out

    I feel your pain. Ive been out, but with kids, college and work, it hasnt been enough. Good luck and hope you get out and get after it!
  17. Highground

    Developing a Montana Muley Strategy

    I think the only thing there is to make sure you are parked legally. Maybe someone will correct me but I dont think there are any rules against jumping a blm fence, as long as you are accessing it from otber public land. I would just call the blm office if it were me and ask where the best...
  18. Highground

    First buck!

    Lol after looking at that photo again. He's such a good dude tho
  19. Highground

    First buck!

    Sorry bout the photo, but in my defense it was getting warm out quick and I wanted to get right to cutting meat. Im not much of a guide, just know where to find a few critters is all.

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