Just kidding its actually a pretty small 6 pointer but i wanted everyone to look lol... before you jump to conclusion and start ripping me read story
So i posted last week that i missed a huge 10 point buck, well its 2nd deer season in Illinois now and i missed another decent buck, i was...
i was hunting with one of my best friends about 3 years ago he dropped a big ol doe he got up and pulled her legs apart to field dress him and she kicked him in the lower leg with her hind leg and broke it, we had alot of fun drawing things on his cast lol...he shoulda known better than to...
thanks guys, i always though thats why they designed the blazer style vanes for more fixed blade stability, i always seem to get stuck with this guy, he tried to tell me awhile back that if you werent shooting 70 or more pounds you couldnt get a pass through....
Hey i searched the whole forum for an answer to this question, i got my arrows all redone this year wrapped and fletched with 2 inch blazers, when i went to archery shop the other day they told me i cannot shoot fixed blade with blazers because they wont group, etc. The guy that told me is...
also, do any of your shoot fixed blades with Blazer vanes, i dont know if its true or not that you cant i've heard it both ways at archery shop i just got all my arrows redone this year and dont want to have to get them refletched if i dont have to.
Thanks for all the comments
2 reasons, One, i have had o rings blow out once after the shot resulting in a dramatic right angle mid air, 2 i tried the replacement blades they were junk called company and they made me angry.. i just dont like them, im not saying there bad i just want somthing different
Well ive had it with the rages and now im wanting to switch back to fixed blades i havent bought or looked at them in 3 years or so? whats the new hot head?
do any of you have a recomendation on scopes for a slug gun, i have an HR ultra slug with factory scope, i loved it on range but i am finding i dont care for the scope much in the woods very little field of view seems like im looking through a dime at 100 yds. I would love to buy a good scope...
well dropped a monster doe at 120 yds yesterday afternoon, head shot with the new remington accutip slug pretty nasty results.. had a great hunt saw 4 really nice bucks all more than 250 yds out, went out this morning and missed the biggest buck i've ever seen on hoof, i guessed around 160 my...
mine are, "i love vegetarians all i eat are vegetarians except for the occasional mountain lion steak." Ted Nugent
And "the history of the bow and arrow is the history of mankind." Fred Bear
Thought we could do a lil somthing fun, whats your favorite hunting/anti anti quote of all time?
I need somthing to make me feel better as a i steam over illinois governor election