i Actually shot her on the other side of the field i have a stand in a cluster of about 6 oak trees she fed across the bean field and right into the acorns where i smoked her
i can finally answer a question about a product!!! i just used the new grizz trick to harvest my first deer a young do, at 20 yards the broadheads blew through both longs and cut through the should the deer made it 25 yards and stevie wonder himself would of had to trouble finding the blood...
Well after 8 long bow seasons i finally managed to kill a deer with my bow its not a monster just young doe, but i made a perfect shot she went 25 yards. I am hooked on this stuff, that lil ol doe had me more shook up and the biggest buck i took with my shotgun. Bowhunting is the ultimate rush.
thanks guys, as most of you know i am by know means a trophy hunter im just curious about learning the biology side of deer now that i have some private land to play with
Hey guys just wanted to let you know that i just bought a pack of these slicktrick grizz tricks and they seem to be the best broadhead ive ever shot (still havent put them through anything with a pulse) I am getting 2-3 inch groups and 60 yards with them, there razor sharp and mean looking, you...
i got a 6 pack of the yellow ordered im gonna take some time to shoot them next week and i will post on here what i thought of them it seems to good to be true but we shall see
Hey guys im really thinking about buying a pack of these has anyone else used them or know of anyone that used them that could give us some feedback? im planning on posting a review once i get them installed. If you have any input please let me know
i am also an emt lol so i am my buddies kit, but something i bought that i carry is the quikclot stuff you can get from any surplus store we tried some out on a cow last year that got caught in a trap and was bleeding heavy from the leg and it clotted her up in about 3 minutes.
blight is tough and if people plant them in the same spots next year the same thing will happen, here in illilnois we have an excess its to bad they wouldnt ship good or i'd send ya some
My wife and I planted about 6 too many cuke plants this year, dumbfounded by what to do with all the extras i just through some in some fish batter during a recent fish fry and tossed them in the oil. Now around here we fry just about everything we usually do zucchini and squash but these...
im not really a fan of shooting mass qtys of arrows. once you get the bow sighted in go out and do a real life scenario, climb up in a stand or on top of your garage or sit or kneel, maybe do some pushups or walk briskly to get your heartrate up like it will when that big one steps out, or do...