Go for it!
I think that seing an AK moose or 'bou hunt would be awesome. I think it's definately something that alot of us OYOA watchers would love to be able to do one day, and also something attainable in that price range. Aside from the fact that I know the episode would be awesome...
Good luck Randy! I would trade anything to be chasing elk right now instead of fixing cars, but I suppose I will have to like the hunt vicariously through you until Saturday, just like the rest of us with jobs not nearly as cool as you have!;)
Good luck Randy,glad to hear things are working out for the best. Hang in there and hopefully you'll pull it off! Awesome Montana bull, hope you can add a great NM bull as well, you're taxidermist would be more than fine with both I'm sure :)
+1 to everyone else on the planet. Put our camp in last night so we had a spot for tonight, and can't believe the tents, campers, and four wheelers we saw. Looks like there will be no shortage of people on Saturday!
Great attitude Randy. No shame in that plan at all. I'm excited to see how this hunt winds up, buck or no buck, it has been another epic on your own adventure!
Kenetrek mountain extremes, best boots I have ever owned. Also got th their hardscabble hikers and northern pac boots for the hot or cold and snowy days. Very happy with all.
I agree with DDD, Trophy photos with your dream buck make for better memories and better hunttalk stories than videos of the ones you could have gotten (IMHO this situation)