The one that "allowed
" millions of people to enter our countrty "illegally" and then did nothing about it... the same ones who refuse to enforce the laws of the land and despite I.D. theft and rampant law breaking on many fronts [ tax evasion, etc,etc] the same ones that are now providing...
How about it was McCain? [ 2008] biggest phony I ever saw... But your Toon rings true... sad,very sad...
Hey wheres that Dang Fence? < Arizona inside joke... vs. JD hayworth
Hey I don't like his politics.. but yes he's smart....He's cool... he has charisma... ouch that hurt! but its true.. you don't get to be prez.. without some "smarts"
So would that mean that K9 police dogs are bred to attack?..and if those dogs have pups they will attack? [without training]. I have seen Pit Bulls that were very gentle... But I have seen junk yard Mutts that were vicious as hell... I say Environment plays a bigger part than the breed.. But...
:D:D:D.. thats a fact... even the most disturbed lunatic...knows at least Obama is smart... and Obama like Slick Willie knows how to "spin" a tall tale... Biden is a Joke:hump:... Palin while not the best politition down to earth:)
A couple close calls with Rattlers... One just missed my neck by about 2 inches... climbing out of a lake... another I stepped right on it... but it turned and struck my boot heal... they both really pissed me off... only killed the one on the ground... the other one I never saw again as I flew...
Ariz. climber found dead<LI class="wnItem feature News story priority-10 even even-7 collapsed last displaySizeId-10" style="DISPLAY: none" itemscope="" itemtype="" jQuery17106016930386262681="11">
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - A Tucson climber was found dead, hanging...