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  1. M


    Del c'mon he was 18, and what did i do, nothing, except mad ehim give me 50 bucks to pay the doctor bill,(and the bill was only 5 bucks after the inssuranbce) and Del, an infant can't hold a gun much less point it at a soldier and kill him
  2. M

    CJ soapbox [illegals]

    #*^@#* it, i don't give a shit about illegals, but i will say one thing, Washington hunter is no better than any of them, calling ernesto "anti hunter" anbd "anti american" for voiceing his opinion, And cali has illegals to, and alot of them, and there crime rate isn't as high as arizonaz, you...
  3. M


    I support veterans, just not after WWII And canoe you are right, i don't know a thing about veitnam, they didn't really kill inocent women and children they didn't slaughter the veitnameese people who were in support of them, the didn'yt go into veitnam and have thousands of U.S. lives lost...
  4. M

    CJ soapbox [illegals]

    WH cjc is too a racist, when he talks about illegals he says mexican, he doesn't give a shit about the other illegals, just the mexicans,and that makes him a racist and besides that, i am no pro-illegal immigration, i am just backing ernesto that illegals don't come here to hunt they come...
  5. M

    CJ soapbox [illegals]

    I amd going to back Ernesto on this one, my information to back it on, cjcj is a racist and he is just trying to downplay hispanics because they actually get jobs making less than him and one gopt drawn for a tag that he wanted
  6. M


    Texas Doc, i never saw you in the other chat, i am going from , all the other mods critisising me constantly except for quigs, he always helped me out with good info, i never spoke with you so i am just going on what mods, i talked to, sorry if i offended you, but i guess i will take back that...
  7. M


    if you are driving the mini van i am sitting in the back seat, (tinted windows) so i wont be seen j/k
  8. M

    Sad Goodbye

    Well update is that we have guitar and drums for the song, and a chorus( i don't know it my brother wrote it) and are working on getting verses, we are putting on a bennifit show for him in december as well, we are trying to get about 5 other bands to play it as well <FONT COLOR="#800080"...
  9. M


    Thanks for the info about shed antler hunting last night in chat, before i was banned of course By the way do you knwo who James H. McGee is? if you do give him the response, that i still would have said it to mortis face if it was in person since he sent me a vicious email and then blocked me...
  10. M

    Have you driven over a FORD lately?

    You know if you would have had an old dodge(one of the steel one) there woulddn't be that much damage done to your truck
  11. M


    I am down for the texas roadh house that place is delicious and the last time i ate there the ree was this really hott chick that kept hitting on ym brother( she was our waitress) but the food there is good, plus don't think of going to any bars, i am still undersage remember
  12. M


    RedFoxy there was somethign left out, and that is what your mod said to me, lets recall, and TK can back me up on this one, Since i don't copy and paste(iwas banned to quickly to do so) i will just type out some of the things your Mods aid to me If you wanna see 19 you'll change your font i...
  13. M


    i allready said, that i called him a baby killer, your post ios a little delayed, and mine as well save the effort that i sent you an email back dsaying that you can die aof a comunicable disease androt in hell i admit to that too [edit]nobody knows i am a dick please don't expose me...
  14. M


    Ok REd Foxy, One of your mods is a peice of shit, and was being a )#$(*))@, so i said something a little over the line of what he said, and he got pissed and banned me, if he is going to dish it out he should be able to take it, big deal if i said somethig about veterans of vietnam, everyoen hear...
  15. M


    When is your chat going to be back up, i got banned from the other one, and i can't talk to my friends anymore
  16. M

    Fleets of ATVs swarming the forests....

    Greenbhorn, i think that his beam is as thick as your torso, that is a very nice elk, maybe one day i will kill one withing 50-75 inches of that size but you know the thin antlered idaho bulls don't get that big, i will see if i can dig up a picture of a bull that loos almost as big as yours...
  17. M

    Dads 5x6

    i will probably do that Steve, you had me fooled, all this time i thought you were in poky and really you are in chubbuck, at least that is a cubbuck phone number anyway, looking forward to meeting ya Happy Hunting
  18. M


    Hey moosie, i live in pocatello, maybe we should meet or somthing, what do you think? Joking aside, i will go with you to meet Bill andMichelle, and mike and tara, and i am also thinking you should bring your shotgun, maybe we can go out after some ducks while you are down, all i need to...
  19. M

    Record Bighorn (Story+Pic)

    Well, not to take anythign away form the kid, well actually take everything away from the kid, i know him personally and he is a prick i went to the same junior high as this kid and even wrestled on the same team as him, turns out he shot a nice 4 pt. deer both year i talked to him, and for...
  20. M

    Dads 5x6

    Millstev, we might have to do that, but as of right now, i am homestruck with no money, and not enough gas but to make it to work and back(still not enough to do that) iguess breaking a colar bone and haveing truck paymetns insurance payments and cell phone payments isn't good on your bank...

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