The road hunters on the Kaibab Plateau actually have the nerve to get annoyed at hunters on foot for messing up their hunt. Archery season might be more peaceful.
Don't overlook the lower elevations. Everyone says hunt high. But, there are deer that are overlooked in the Pinyon/Juniper.
I hunted it in 2012. It was very disappointing. It took 7 days to even see an antler, a small 5x5 and a couple of raghorns. There was a drought that year. They may have headed for the Sweetwater or the Wind River range. I found a very nice non-alkali spring that barely had any sign. Maybe...
A little off the subject, but...Make sure your game is actually legal and tagged properly. Crossing state lines or through federal property (like a National Forest) with illegal wildlife is a felony under the Lacy Act. This isn't prosecuted very often, but it was used to coerce Missouri...
Remember, you can only harvest one bull moose per lifetime in Colorado. But, you can draw more than one bull tag if you are unsuccessfull on a previous hunt. Plus, you can still draw cow tags after that.
Skin the head. Put the head in a hardware cloth cage on the ground in the shade tied to a tree. Beetles, flies, ants, etc. will clean it off nicely in a month or two. This works best in the hot summer months. Skinning prevents beetles from building hair nests in the nasal cavities. The...
I think CJD in humans occurs naturally in about 1 per million. It used to be much more prevalent in one group of humans, however. It climbed to about 50% of the population amongst cannibals. I guess they were eating undercooked brains!
Don't trust the harvest data too much. Colorado doesn't even have mandatory harvest reporting. The numbers are junk in/junk out statistical estimates. As for the chances of success, don't forget about the moon, weather, rut, food supply, water supply, hunter pressure, game population, habitat...
You're on the right track. Hike in 2 or 3 miles, then a mile or 2 off the trails. Outfitters usually go deeper. Unit 76 hunters usually come from the North.
Check out unit 77. Take the Piedra Road loop north out of Pagosa Springs and hit the Weminuche Wilderness trailheads, or park and hike up from the main road. If you are looking for a high altitude physical challenge above timberline with a good chance at a nice buck, this is a good place to start.
And the icing on the cake is these trophy units are often not as advertised. Game and Fish departments sometimes lie about the quality of these units. Or, they use common core math to come up with their numbers. It sure is disappointing, after waiting for many years to draw a tag, to show up...
Atlatls are legal for deer and small game in Missouri. They have lots of energy and killing ability. I question their accuracy in the hands of most people though. I would consider them more ethical for large game, as they can easily bring down a Mammoth, and large targets don't require as...
Colorado Unit 61 is a quality elk unit, but it is overrated. It shouldn't take 2 decades of your life to draw a tag there. It is a classic testament to the failure of the preference point system. There are just too many people and not enough elk in this world. Don't be too picky in this...
Chrome-Tanning is one of the very best methods. The basic process is cure, flesh, pickle, tan, oil, and soften. If you have never done any tanning, I would recommend a kit from a supplier like Van Dyke's Supply Co. It will include Oxalic Acid, Chromium Sulfate, and softening oil. You will...
Also, beware of preservatives in some store-bought meats. They can interfere with the curing agents in sausage and jerky. You might end up with rotten beef in the mixture even after cooking/drying.
Twas awesome! On par with Dances with Wolves and The Last of the Mohicans. I thought it was very realistic overall, and the special effects were very good. The general public may have some trouble relating to the reality depicted here, but they need an education anyway. The violence and gore...
Missouri's CWD containment efforts have completely failed. It will be everywhere soon. The game farms should have been shut down, depopulated, and quarantined a lot sooner.