Calling actually works there because of the big bulls. And, Stalking is tough, because it is a little too open. However, there is a 3-day peak of the rut somewhere between Sept. 15-20 when success rates soar. This falls after your season. Hunt late in your season and take a second person to call...
Use hamburger grease on a piece of bread for bait. It is free and will catch any canine, feline, coon, possum, skunk, bear, etc. Chicken or turkey carcasses are good, too. Cooked is better and less likely to catch birds.
I haven't hunted Wyoming in several years, but they used to have landowner coupons attached to your tag. When you filled a tag, the coupon was given to the landowner to cash in or sent to WGFD if the animal was taken on public land. Then, this real harvest data was disregarded so they could do...
You have to report small game through HIP (Harvest Information Program). It is ridiculous that you have to report a jackrabbit or grouse, but not an elk. I don't believe there are 280,000 elk in Colorado, either. There is too much land that is devoid of elk for that number to be accurate. A...
I hunted it in 2nd season in 2017. I got a 2 1/2 year old buck on the 4th day. There are very few deer in this unit. Most of it burned a few years ago. The habitat is good, but there is apparently not enough winter range to fill up the high country. I wouldn't hold out for a trophy, but good...
Beware of ground beef or other meat bought from a store that adds preservatives. When added to cured sausages, etc., the cures don't work properly. You end up with rotten meat in the end product.