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  1. J

    NRA !!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree that they send out to much junk But i also think everyone that ownes a gun should be a member numbers speak very loud I think NRA is a big part of the reason we have Bush for Pres. instead of that gun hating bastard. Now if we could get someone to close our borders and get all the...
  2. J

    Old Boat

    They say the two happiest days in life are > > the day you buy a > > boat and the day you sell it!! Well, here's > > a good BOAT story!! > > > > Joe and John were identical twins. Joe owned > > an old dilapidated > > boat and kept pretty much to himself. > > > > > > One day he rented...
  3. J

    Chinese Proverbs

    CHINESE PROVERBS *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Man who run in front of car get tired. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Man who run behind car get exhausted. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*...
  4. J

    First Blood

    JACK O'CONNER In Arizona if you leave your downed anything that is not taged anyone can claim it
  5. J

    First Blood

    You might check Arizona records if you can seems to me someone wounded a buffalo and someone else put it down when the first shooter got there he claimed it said AZ law says if you are on the trail it is yours
  6. J


    Oat meal, Powder milk, macaroni & cheese, summer sauage, lemon aid, small cans of fruit,jiffy pop for night around camp fire I've stayed out for two weeks on just this I hate freeze dried
  7. J

    One Big Bass

    Congratulations goes to Jed Dickerson of Carlsbad Cal. for this beauty. This is now the 4th largest largemouth on record. YES, SHE WAS RELEASED <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-01-2003 16:43: Message edited by: jig maker ]</font>
  8. J


    Welcome David nice pics. Looks like you use a Rem. Rifle what cal.?
  9. J

    Lets see your first deer pics!! this could be fun!

    This is my first buck 3x3 western count i was 17 my dad would not let us hunt big game till we were 16. taken on onion MT near Camp verde AZ 1971 <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 03-16-2003 17:04: Message edited by: jig maker ]</font>
  10. J

    Elk pic Odd rack

    This was at bass pro shop NC <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-23-2003 16:58: Message edited by: jig maker ]</font>
  11. J

    Calling in bears?

    I was in Phoenix varmit callers and a lot of guys called in bears using circe trophy call in jackrabbit. It takes a lot of wind as you have to call for 45 to 60 min. with out stoping. I tried with no luck. just make sure someone is watching your back. once when calling bears something came...
  12. J

    Why are gun owners so paranoid?

    Everyone who ownes a gun of any kind should be a memeber of NRA. I know the mail you get is a pain but numbers speak very loud.
  13. J

    More On Wilderness/and access

    Trophys are what you call them I have the 1st pheasant my dad got while hunting with me i had never hunted them before thats a trophy to me. My first deer a 3 point western count trophy to me. maney of you have seen the pics of all my mounts there all trophys to me. What classifies a trophy? A...
  14. J

    More On Wilderness/and access

    I sat back and read all the post here is my thoughts on this. I think there are places that may need to be wilderness so long as there is still plenty of open land. There are lots of hunters that do not have the time or the equipment to hunt these . As far as ATV uses i think most hunters are...
  15. J

    illegal`s and big game tag`s

    Federal law says that no person that is not a legal citizen of the U.S. may not own a firearm
  16. J

    Guide to Poaching on Your ATV

    I don't know about all states but in AZ you can drive off road to get your (killed) big game in most places so long as you don't go by a road closed sign or in a wilderness area. If you poach in AZ you will likly loose all hunting and fishing rights and they can and will take everything you used...
  17. J

    270 win pet loads

    Don't be scared to use your 270 on elk i have taken several with mine haven't had one run off yet 150gr horanday i can't get you the loading data still packed away but know it was near max my rifle is a ted willams that will shoot 1/2" groups at 200 yrds
  18. J

    best rifle for women????

    A 270 win or a 7mm08, but i would not be afraid to go larger 30-06 to a 7mm mag there are many things you can do to reduce the recoil a good decelerateor recoil pad to a muzzle break. my choice would be to get it Mag-na-ported I do not like the looks of a muzzle breaks. most important is...
  19. J

    What does Oak's elk score?

    Looks like it scores real well on the dinner plate. Congrats Oak
  20. J

    Need some help with coyotes.

    Heres a trick to use when bow hunting coyote you need to call him in then call him out a small dia. tubing about 30 or 40 yards tape a piece of cellophane to the end cover tubing with dirt put other end under your shirt after he comes in blow on the tubing he will turn and go to it, nows your chance

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