Some areas in SE are draws and some are OTC. There are very good OTC areas to hunt. Most of SE is remote and will require logistics and hunt planning. In AK a Guide & an Outfitter are basically the same thing. A Transporter (is Licensed) offers transport for you your gear & your game to and from...
I would, in a low density area, take the first available shot. But probably not a Nanny with a Kid.
And fog & clouds do make smaller Goats look bigger.
A pair of pointy vice grips to grab and twist the toe bones, while you use a scalpel knife to get down in there. Sometimes I broke several blades per toe. Those toe bones are not easy.
In Ak to transport a Big Game hunter by vessel you must licensed .. you can search the data base.
Program is 'Big Game Guides and Transporters'
License Type is 'Transporter'
City is Ketchikan
I don't see any currently licensed vessels.
Climbing thru the POW jungle is hard with a rifle sticking up in most pack type carry systems. I used my rifle as a walking stick a lot.
I like the late August hunt. Some bucks can still be in velvet. The deer have begun leaving the open alpine and have moved into that upper lush green forest...
You are correct, Aug 1st Goat do have short hair. But you are also correct in that it is much better weather than late Sept into Oct. But in SE Ak even August can be wet with no hunt days because of visibility. But the days have longer daylight hours. I've done plenty of August hunts where I was...
This is a link to an article published 10 years ago in the B&C magazine ... it is about the issues over Deer that have been happening on Prince of Wales Island .. GMU #2
The Blacktail populations have not fared so well in the wake of the boom and bust logging activity on POW Island...
You can hunt Bears, Blacktail in SE Alaska without having to fly in a bush plane ... many guides depart in vessels from the jetport town you flew into. There is also a few guides that you can hunt winter Mt Goats with that depsrt from jet port towns in vessels.
Look for Guides that work out of...
I guided hunts in SE Alaska ... years ago we started vac-sealing just about everything. Cuts down on size and keeps it dry till you open it up. The empty bags are nothing to pack out .... I like putting my clothes up in small portions ... like a set of long johns; one t shirt,underwear & socks...