Muledeer - Texas is eaten up with hogs! No season, no limits, no restriction on methods of take either. I prefer hunting with dogs and killing hogs with a knife or spear....
DeerSlayer.... WHACK!! :D You're trying to make trouble here too?! Shame! Shame! Trash-talking another guys hunting methods - not nice.... if'n you don't care for it, don't do it, but at least don't critisize the guy for using his method - and shut your TV off. Yes, I'm sure that stalking...
Greenhorn..... :confused: I think I wrote "experience limited as it is", but I listed it just so you'd know I wasn't a total "Greenhorn" 'nuf said there other than that you are as big a dufus on this board as you are on others - so I won't waste my time on your posts anymore.
DS - Sorry, you...
UTBowman -
You've gotten good info about the White Sands NM herd. There are MANY ranches in Texas that have Gemsbok - the usual trophy fee for them being in the $4000 area - HOWEVER the Scimitar Horned oryx is much more common and trophy fees there start at ~$1500 and go up to the $2500 area...
DeerSlayer (and others)- I (and probably many others who are too well-mannered to respond)am getting REALLY tired of your loud-mouthed, uninformed, assinine condemnation of other folks hunting (or shooting) activities that do not conform to your personal idea of what hunting should be. Enough...
Exotics and native North American game are in the same category as far as ranching them goes... they are all livestock. I don't think there should be a differentiation as to whether or not they are exotic to the US or not. I wholeheartedly support game ranching as long as the costs are borne...
Hi folks! I just found this board ahile ago and it seems most folks are civil here even if they disagree. I live in the northern 'burbs of Houston. I like to shoot skeet and sporting clays and of course, hunt. Preferences there are trophy exotics (when I can afford it). I'm a member of the...
GW and Bill Clinton happened to find themselves getting a haircut and shave in the Congress building at the same time. Little was said by the presidential barbers who were both afraid to make any political comments. Finally Clinton's barber finished and asked him if he wanted some after shave...