I don't see a problem with that either. Well there might be one, people might have to acually learn how to hunt. Maybe we would be better off going all traditional.
I haven't been on Hunt Talk for awhile so I just now seen your post. I believe the question who builds the best bow is a personal opion. You definitely can't go wrong with any of the major brands that are on the market. The bow I hunt with most of the time was made for me by a bowyer in...
Dear Abby:
I have been so blessed in my life. Great parents, great wife and kids, great job, and great education.
When I finally retired, I could hardly wait to spend time enjoying my favorite pastime -- bass fishing. I got my own little fishing boat and tried to get my wife to join me...
Wow............forget to sign in for awhile and look what I find when I get back. Love the changes that have been done.
I see there are some new faces......that is great.
Hey Moosie.......This is the weekend for the traditional bow show. Are you ready to come over form the darkside yet.
Elkgunner I'm with you.
Flytier if the guy was on an ATV has a hunting license, has a bear tag, was packing bear bait, and was caring a gun then the evidence would be prima facia that he was hunting. I agree that the use of ATV's for hunting should be restricted.
Gee Tier no one said you can't carry a weapon while baiting. You just can't ride an ATV off road while hunting in certain areas. You can't say the guy wasn't hunting. He had a license, a bear tag, bear bait and a gun. I really don't think he was looking for firewood.
Oh I forgot that you...
Ok I found it For those who haven't read about the new rule you can read it here, http://www2.state.id.us/fishgame/common/regulations/bg/bg03/bg03_1-6intro.pdf
The way I understand it the guy still would have been in violation just because he was carring bait bait on the ATV. The bait...
Welcome to the world of traditional archery. Don't give up you will enjoy it. Shooting with a traditaional bow takes lots of practice but the rewards are worth it.
First of all do not put on a longer string. The one that is on it was made for that bow. You need to learn to tune it. Yes you...