Well my passing on a buck took place in unit 11a in idaho, i had an extra doe tag and a buck tag. I was glassing a heard of deer and decided the buck wasnt worth day one kill and shot one of the does being my first year in idaho and no realizing idaho deer and 6000 times bigger than texas white...
I never thought anything like this would ever happen, tomorrow we have funeral services for our 9 day old son. Please keep my wife in your guys prayers she is taking this really hard and the closer it gets the worse she is getting.
Thanks guys,
Has anyone ever drew a controlled mule deer tag out of unit 14 here in Idaho? I am thinking about putting in for one and hunting my uncles land, seen alot of good deer in the area. Also Oscar this question is for you, what unit is that sheep tag in and would like to talk a little bit more about...