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  1. B

    The waiting game for Idaho...

    Man that blows. I looked this am and there were at least 2000 tags left but no capped unit tags left.
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    Today is the vote. GAOA

    I am proud to see Richard Shelby voted for the bill after voting Nay on the procedural votes. I'm going to put this up to my emails and phone calls to his office.
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    Great American Outdoors Act

    So what's next? I sent letters to both my Senators and my Rep about this legislation and called the office of the Senator who ended up voting Nay. Just wondering how many more hurdles there are...
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    Florida Game Warden Murdered

    I hate to hear this. I’ve always thought it took real guts to be a game warden. Most people you arrest are armed and in remote locations where people might feel they can get away with putting up a fight.
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    Elk Bedding Question

    I need to rewatch shows with the intent of trying to see why are the elk right there and what is the elk doing. May be hard to do with the way some shows are edited.
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    Elk Bedding Question

    Thanks guys!
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    Elk Bedding Question

    I have a question about bedding elk in rimrock country. In the middle of the day, is it common for elk to bed high up with the cliff above them so that the thermals are coming up and nothing can come from behind? Or do the dislike this since it limits their escape options?
  8. B

    Sirui T-024SK Tripod w/ VA 5 head

    I like the VA5 head. Its pretty smooth and awesome. I have a T-025 which is similar to the 024 but with more sections if I understand their numbering code. It's very lightweight and packable. To be stable, It can't be fully extended which means you can't stand and glass.
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    Lets get me on some broadheads...

    If you are planning on hunting Idaho, set up for fixed blade broadheads. Expandables are not allowed in Idaho. Nor are lighted nocks or several other things. Makes sure you read the regs for both states if you're really planning on hunting both. It wouldn't be fun to have to make a last minute...
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    Clown Show - OYOA behind the scenes

    I loved the show and want to see more. The hardships and mishaps of hunting go well with a good sense of humor and make better stories than plain vanilla shows.
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    Cats in the morning, crappie in the afternoon

    Looks like a great day on the water!
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    Rendezvous Today

    Don’t forget that the BHA Rendezvous starts tonight and is online this year. I have my ticket and this will be my first one.
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    New Guy

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    Show request

    The YouTube versions of the same hunts tend to be longer and have more background footage. I would like to see them more often in the hunt footage as well since they are participants as well.
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    Gunwerks Trouble?

    Wow, what a difference when you hear both sides. If what he says in the article is true, I hope this doesn’t damage their reputation and hurt their business.
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    Gunwerks Trouble?

    How do you stop paying sales taxes in 3rd quarter 2018 and then break ground on a new large manufacturing facility in March of 2019? They must have been trying to follow the old “Fake it ‘til you make it” saying. I hate to see them fail though. I would be nervous if I had a 7lrm since, unless...
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    How tough are your kids ?

    We’re in the tooth loss stage with my oldest too. It’s a lot of fun!
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    2020 Colorado Deer and Elk Non Resident Apps Poll

    This situation made us put in for points only. At this point, we plan on going on an OTC hunt but there is too much uncertainty at this point to guarantee I’ll leave my family for two weeks in a couple of months. I expect Colorado’s OTC to be crazy this year if things settle down.
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    Anyone Wanna Go Bear Hunting With Me?

    A scene from my favorite movie!
  20. B

    RIP Joe Diffie

    Very Sad. I was a fan.

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