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  1. R

    Having issues with sizing brass……

    As the brass gets harder it gets harder to resize. It can also spring back more so your shoulder is not bumped back as much at the same die setting. What kind of case lube are you using?
  2. R

    45 Colt & 45-70. What pressures to load to?

    As stated above, I believe a Judge is only rated for the tier 1 saami spec loads. I wouldn’t have a problem starting close to max book data though in that pistol.
  3. R

    Having issues with sizing brass……

    3 plus reloads with a high performance/pressure cartridge? They might be getting work hardened. Have you tried annealing them?
  4. R

    Stuck Brass

    After 5 firings brass gets hard and can spring back more causing less shoulder bump which can cause sticky extraction.
  5. R

    Stuck Brass

    How many firings? Full length re-size? Anneal?
  6. R

    To illuminate or not

    Trijicon and Meopta have some plain reticle illuminated dot scopes I believe.
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    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    Just to be clear I’m not 100% against solar. I think as a supplemental energy source it has a place. I’m also not familiar with where this particular solar system is located. If it’s 62K acres of salt flats it could be a good use of the land. I also think we’d be foolish to believe that a...
  8. R

    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    I’m glad that works in places that get rain but we’re talking about Nevada. Also, most of the truly industrial solar systems put their panels much closer together. Rare/heritage breed sheep with un-docked tails equals hippies/hobby farmers.
  9. R

    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    I never said that we shouldn’t be looking at nuclear and I’m pretty consistently against a huge solar field. Coal mining for domestic use (we’ll sell it to someone else so they can burn it instead) is on its way out. Nuclear is probably the future but the natural gas infrastructure is mostly...
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    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    I agree that it’s a much bigger footprint than just the power plant but it’s not 62K acres fenced off and void of life. While wildlife is definitely affected by oil/gas production it generally learns to adapt. The newer wells directionally drilled from a central pad greatly reduce the amount...
  11. R

    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    Also, where does most of the raw materials for solar panels come from? O wait, a mine!
  12. R

    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    Some solar panels are considered toxic waste per EPA,state%20and%20local%20government%20programs.
  13. R

    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    A quick google will tell you. I was off a bit looks like 25-30 years, but in high ambient temperature areas (Nevada?) the panels run hotter and have shorter lives. I don’t see a company that’s trying to maximize efficiency/profits not replacing panels before they get to 80% efficiency.
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    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    Very. I know of a lot of old mines that have been reclaimed and/or are popular lakes/ponds open for recreation. Solar panels are not recyclable and only have a 20-25 year lifespan. Maybe we can fill old mines up with old solar panels and wind turbines.
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    Massive Nevada Solar Farm on BLM

    When a mine is done it is reclaimed. What happens to solar panels in 20 years when they are worn out?
  16. R

    Norma bondstrike

    Bought some in 300 WSM for the brass and for initial sight in. My Tikka shoots them in 1.5 moa easily. I’m saving a few boxes for backup.
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    The AB Raptor was on my shortlist but I ended up going with a Scythe-Ti. The Amtac ones look interesting but at over 20 ounces are HEAVY in comparison to the shorter titanium cans.
  18. R

    Rifle/Shotgun Combo Suggestions? if anyone is still interested.
  19. R

    Why do you like your gaiters?

    I found the Black Ovis gaiters on sale a few seasons ago and really Mike them so far. They’re fairly quiet and light. I even wear them in warm dry weather to keep things out of my boots. Maybe not as tough as some other kinds but they have held up well so far.
  20. R

    Bergara called me a pansy - Any ABQ area 300WM Shooters to prove it?

    You’re lucky that the bolt handle didn’t fall off when you were hitting it.