wow what a tourney so far!!!! and nikster you are right there's some major jumping that's been done from one day to the next---I'm hoping Baylor takes out Duke--I have no horse left so I'm hoping for a Butler/Baylor final---chris
stinkin Purdue--I figured they'd mail it in since they lost a major playa, but they manned up and took out my surprise team Siena---
I looked at takin' Ohio, but I just couldn't do it---figured I had enough upsets and couldn't afford to take one more---geesh, again your first inclination is the...
all I can say is wow---did you hit the freakin lottery to be able to do all of these hunts, just kiddin'---- you've racked up some impressive animals no doubt and this isn't helping my self esteem ---again well done and keep the pics coming......
go look thru some 10x25's and then 10x50's and tell me which one has a bigger field of view---10x50's win here--so it's the size of the obj lense--but the power size does play some also so it's not all obj lense, but most of it is when you're talking about the sizes we are---difference between...
Big Fin--thanks for the clarification---so I stick to my first opinion--use what you want as long as they(the rifle sponsor) aren't telling you how to hunt....that goes for all sponsors....
and if you go with a rifle sponsor then make sure their gun likes Federal ammo....
Originally Posted by BuzzH
Reason I ask is because there are likely only 2 rifles that I'd ever use to hunt a bighorn in Montana with and unless your sponsor is winchester, and they're fond of the model 70, then I'd bow out. Not that the rifles I would use are more accurate, are made of...
Big Fin---Ok I was going to ask what Buzz asked about what rifle do guests use---their own or the sponsors??? You didn't specifically answer that and maybe you don't know right now, but if you were to film me on my hunt and these guys want me to use their gun, they better by god get me that gun...
Would you rather we use rifles under $1,500 even though the companies may have declined supporting the On Your Own hunter, OR .....
I see no problem with using whatever rifle you want--custom or not.....
Would you rather we use the rifles of a custom rifle maker who views the On Your Own...
last time I checked PATRICK does NOT = guys are starting to worry me!!!!!
but anyway welcome aboard Patty and let's see some critters.....chris
here you can check out the real Patty Loveless:
no one in their right mind shouldn't know who she is....
now where's OYOA's Patty Loveless???