I live here. I fill tags every year. I get to hunt a lot and it’s hard. Whitetail guys: Remember when you realized that there wasn’t a 150” in every woodlot? When you realized that there might not even be one in your county? That’s elk hunting in MT. One day you realize what it takes to kill one...
These were legitimately good people. I think their thought was ‘why would they sell the tags if it wasn’t ok to fill them’. It’s valuable to think about that for a bit. Pretty heavy.
First hand experience here. Nice folks from Northern California. Super stoked to see any deer beyond a spike. “We have 9 tags to fill”, my response, you don’t have to fill them. Confused look from the guy. These people were in heaven because they didn’t feel like criminals. Sad think is, if they...
Food for thought. I have a job, wife and two kids. This spot is 6mi from the trailhead. I checked this camera and another in a different part of the zone a week after the picture was taken. Note the date.
Opening day. I have an inventory of bulls in this zone. They all left. Not one picture...