The Rez land is about a two hour drive from my place so I should be able to get down there quite a bit over the 8 week season. It will be my first pronghorn tag as ND is dang near impossible to draw.
I can handle the heat. I made a few calls and spoke with a local named Walt, who happens to be good friends with Henry Standing Bear, that can get me the hookup at the Red Pony. He recommended the habaneros instead of the jalapeños.
Why do you say that? Winter kill? NDGF cut tags and closed the unit that I apply in but I’m still seeing the same numbers I’ve been seeing for the last 5 so I don’t get it.
How did you end up doing? I just got the email today saying I was successful, did a quick google search this evening and this thread popped up. Any info you are willing to offer I’m all ears!