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  1. squirrel

    Crossbow Deer Hunting (The Definite Guide)

    Do crossbows come with an attached coupon for 30 bags of "deer corn" @ Walmart? My observations would indicate yes, but I've never actually checked. 3" exit wounds? It would be like "throwing an axe" through the animal!!
  2. squirrel

    Strange legal question about turkey hunting …

    Guy I know went to a state park with really tame deer that would beg for food at. your car window. Little 2x with one shed antler stuck his head in for a cracker and my friend grabbed his remaining horn and held on. That deer was more than he could handle, he let go of the horn when all that...
  3. squirrel

    Colorado relocating wolves.

    What Ive read is they will return or disperse and die, I'm hoping for the latter. As I expected the reimbursement has a few loopholes in it. Not much left of a baby llama to turn in for payment. In fact there isn't anything at all. By the press releases sounds like these woofs really like...
  4. squirrel

    Calf Mortality After Cow Dies

    Speaking locally the techniques of catching/collaring would make it almost impossible to keep track of "pairs". The helicopter swoops into 50-100 nets one scatters 49-99 to the wind and then collars the one and heads off to the easiest looking remaining target. 3 hrs later they have a 5 mile...
  5. squirrel

    Corn and antlers

    Your yields/acre are sinfully high, salt the fields. Haven't seen an actual bow being carried in years, except in my hand, so you better hold the line on the crossbows. You think corn fields are a problem wait till the corn PILES show up, it will be just about the same time that the crossbows...
  6. squirrel

    The Big Iron - .45-70

    I know I have a marlin from the Remington years and am itching to get a browning 1886 in the worst way. Have my sights set on two owned by non-shooting friends and they won't name a price. Nothing wrong with the Marlins at all, (sbl) but they just dont look like a Louis L'Amour gun. One thing...
  7. squirrel

    Elk Hunt Via Train

    In '85 a codger with dow asked me "hell boy you know why I give 16 goat tags for that unit?" "no", said the chipper young squirrel. "cause 14 of 'em get off the train look up at where they gotta go and they load back on the train that afternoon". And a goat is a bit smaller than an elk. And...
  8. squirrel

    Tribal Walleye Spearing

    What stands out is you guys have small wally's...
  9. squirrel

    Hunting High Elevation Meadows and Parks

    You may not see any food or water concentrating points but they are there. Elk will have tiny sections of preferred food, it may be the actual food or the secretive way it can be accessed with favourable winds. Easiest to find these spots with an easy snowfall. Back-track, it doesnt matter...
  10. squirrel

    Public Land Kansas Whitetail

    Pick any unit away from the bigger cities, investigate country that doesnt look like WT country. A few years ago I was walking some crp the day before rifle opener and my buddy hissed at me to look. One of the biggest WT Ive ever seen was 25 yards away looking at us and our bird dog like "why...
  11. squirrel

    Old bucks going downhill

    For 50+ years I've been told that "He's an old buck on his way downhill" as they hoisted a 2 yr old 3x3 without a grey hair on his snoot. I have many examples of the folly of this in my stack of horns but this guy was one of my all time favorites. I've always favoured massive NT antlers but...
  12. squirrel

    Ground shrinkage, deer and elk version

    Judging on the hoof then measuring later is how you get better. The hardest part is learning to not lie to yourself after the tape demands it. Ive found out that I always should subtract 10". And the more sure I am the more I NEED to subtract 10"... A horse trailer full of > than 160" sheds...
  13. squirrel

    Dark Timber Still Hunting

    Look at your chosen mountain from several miles away at early and late light. The shadows will point out the small level benches of a few square yards to several acres. Spend your snail time there, go ahead and jog from one to the other if you can. Elk bed on level ground, even if it is only...
  14. squirrel

    What age to be a millionaire?

    27pages and all I can think is Dave Ramsey says dont bother asking a poor guy how to become rich, cause he don't know... 27 pages of proof
  15. squirrel

    Retire the switchback?

    This thread made me laugh. My Switchback is: My new bow my fast bow my smooth bow my accurate bow Something tells me the bow in the back of the closet would be very unimpressive to this crowd. And yet I find myself shooting it more than my "new bow".
  16. squirrel

    First World Problem - Would You Buy Land Right Now??

    RE in general right now is tricky. (of course it always is) Biggest single question after looking at comps to make sure you are paying proper valuation is cash vs financed. Advantage cash... Next would be ROI in cash. Gotta at least cover the yearly rent check to the gov't right? Bringing...
  17. squirrel

    Archery Equivalent of Long Range Shooting Handbook

    Buy lots of arrows and train your own blood trailing dog. Oops forgot get 2 or 3 packs of sight pins, 20 should do ya @ every 20 out to 200. holdover out past that
  18. squirrel

    Sell me on a 45-70

    You can shoot bears and throw the ammo at grouse/ptarmigan, its got better heft than lesser calibers
  19. squirrel

    Lugging base camp into the backcountry...

    Sounds to me like you are simply deciding on how to pay and how much. Option #1You are currently paying in sweat if you are hiking in for hours. Option #2 is pay in discomfort, which builds character but you claim to abhor. Option #3 is to pay in dollars which you find distasteful. With...
  20. squirrel

    Ramsey debt viewpoint explained

    Dave makes me laugh... Dave makes me smarter... (sometimes) Same reason I'm on here, doesn't mean I cant ignore stupidity when I hear or read it in both cases. Edit to add: the laughter/smarter ratio is inverse in these two examples of media consumption.

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