I got an 870, mossburg 500 and a beneli supernova all in pumps if you want to run a few shells thru them sometime. Most people at SDSU hunt so she shouldn't have a problem finding some guns to try out. One of my friends dads gun was a nova pump with some sort of weight added to the butt to...
Good job. Glad to hear you got a good population in your area and your not effected by the lack of crop harvest like most of the midwest will be this year.
Excellent job.Nothing wrong with that buck. I would be doing the same but its the only wind I don't have a stand for. I'll have to fix that by next season.
Congratulations, can't wait to see a picture of it. If you haven't already been doing it I bet you wife would like a point purchased so she gets a chance to top yours in a few years.